MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol


Re: MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2018, 07:10:42 PM »
Perhaps a hint at the new DSI synth? Maybe MPE supported keybed or touch pad?

Re: MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2018, 03:52:42 PM »
It's not a particular hint at anything DSI-related. Only insofar, as users can now expect MPE-support from any instrument manufacturer in the future as part of the standard MIDI implementation. So, what this results in is strengthening the position of all 3D controller developers like Roger Linn, Keith McMillen, ROLI, and so on. By accepting MPE as a standard, according compability/support can no longer be regarded as an exotic add-on for specialized performers.


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Re: MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2018, 10:52:19 AM »
Both MIDI-CI and MPE standards are now available to the public and have been it for some weeks now.

MIDI-CI looks fun if perhaps just a little bit too complex. Its a framework standard defining a protocol and associated negotiation techniques. Future standards including the new MIDI protocol and device profiles will define the details required before the standard can be put into actual use. Then add the minor detail of synthesizer/controller products showing up on the market that actually supports the new protocols.

Will be interesting to see how all that works out!
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Re: MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2018, 03:14:50 PM »
I'm starting to look into this stuff now, we have been so wrapped up with the Prophet X developement that honestly we're not too aware of what's happening there


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Re: MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2018, 11:16:49 AM »
I'm starting to look into this stuff now, we have been so wrapped up with the Prophet X developement that honestly we're not too aware of what's happening there

Cool! So far I have been through the MIDI-CI standard a bit more than once. The new MIDI version will have features that are probably best tackled at the same time as MPE and MIDI only multi-timbral modes (hint, hint, hint). And as said above: more standards need to be published before an actual MIDI-CI implementation can be useful. Not at least because the MIDI-CI profiles will define the contents of a lot of the payloads in the protocol. Implementation complexity is mostly the timing during the protocol negotiation and assembling profile related multi-part messages.
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Re: MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2018, 09:11:06 AM »
The MIDI-CI sounds very much like a Swagger API-retrieval approach: "what can you do and how can I control it?"
Sequential / DSI stuff: Prophet-6 Keyboard with Yorick Tech LFE, Prophet 12 Keyboard, Mono Evolver Keyboard, Split-Eight, Six-Trak, Prophet 2000

Re: MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2018, 06:13:57 AM »
Found this rather amusing. Listen from 6:40 (laughter) and then read the MIDI-CI spec from page 11
(Yes the link says -old- but the new specs are there)

Sure it's OK because it's hidden. Well, aren't there already many extension of Sysex ? MMC, Time Code, Alternate tuning, Sample Standard  (which, too bad no one uses) to name a few and also hidden for 99.9% of users? What is it with this 'I hate Sysex'.  MIDI-CI is probably the most complex  and most instrument resource consuming extension of Sysex ever. Yes, it does have very interesting features, but so do have the existing ones. (Going to print a T-Shirt now with 'I love SysEx')  :-)

« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 06:41:04 AM by musicmaker »


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Re: MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2018, 07:20:16 PM »
Sure it's OK because it's hidden. Well, aren't there already many extension of Sysex ? MMC, Time Code, Alternate tuning, Sample Standard  (which, too bad no one uses) to name a few and also hidden for 99.9% of users? What is it with this 'I hate Sysex'.  MIDI-CI is probably the most complex  and most instrument resource consuming extension of Sysex ever. Yes, it does have very interesting features, but so do have the existing ones. (Going to print a T-Shirt now with 'I love SysEx')  :-)
Aren't MMC and MTC more for controlling transport and linking with non-musical instrument applications?
I've dabbled with SysEx and would love to not have to think in hex again if at all possible.  The new spec would allow that to be a reality, so I'm pretty happy to hear the news.  I've not delved into exactly how it will change how MIDI will be transmitted, but it would be nice for a larger bandwidth to be implemented, considering the time taken for larger SysEx transmissions currently, especially with SysEx sample TX's.
With regards to resource consumption, I'd imagine that could be taken care of by ARM processors and the like that are powering consumer mobile devices currently.  With virtual instruments running on phones now, it may not be an issue for developers who are all ready utilising the mobile platform.
Overall it's an exciting time for the future of MIDI instruments and how they integrate for the benefit of the electronic musician (think the end of being part musician/part coder!)
With regards to the tee-shirt, perhaps for a little fun change the capitalisation to SySex? ;)


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Re: MIDI-CI and MPE officially included in the standard MIDI protocol
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2018, 12:38:48 PM »
Sysex isn't bad. It just smells funny! ;)

A "I love Sysex" T-shirt would be perfect. Only trouble is that in my first language it can easily be read as "I love sick s*x" and that is maybe a bit inconvenient in at least some circumstances.

As for the future promises of MIDI-CI one should remember that existing synthesizers may not be updated to support MIDI-CI and hence dealing with traditional sysex messages will still be a thing. Furthermore traditional sysex messages may still be useful for some use cases depending on what features the profile/property machinery offers and how well the implementation is for a specific device.

What MIDI-CI promises is better integration between controllers, synthesizers and DAWs. Will be interesting to see how well this will work out in practice. Once DAWs such as Live offers attractive MIDI-CI support its likely to inspire synthesizer manufacturers to support MIDI-CI well. Or at least one could hope so.

In any case MIDI-CI is still very much under development and even now the encoding of the property exchange messages have not been published.

It can take *years* before MIDI-CI is in daily use by musicians.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 01:05:57 PM by dslsynth »
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