Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!

Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« on: January 31, 2018, 01:01:53 AM »
I've had this synth for a good while now and I'm still so enamored with it, just sounds so beautiful, inspiring and HUGE!  It's muh baby!  Hats off to the makers and I hope we still see some further development for it:)  Thanks again to all involved for putting out this amazing instrument, it's a nostalgia/inspiration generating machine!

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2018, 07:45:14 AM »
That's good news.  It's always pleasant relief to hear from folks who are happy with their instruments.  It also makes me wish DSI would eventually take over Oberheim and maintain the small number of instruments Tom has recently re-issued.


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Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2018, 09:48:42 AM »
I certainly have no complaints on my OB-6 either... sounds every bit as lush as I hoped it would, and I am constantly finding new surprises.
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Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2018, 12:08:31 PM »
Same here.  Seems there is always something new to discover or build upon.  Thanks team DSI.

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2018, 02:02:59 PM »
That's good news.  It's always pleasant relief to hear from folks who are happy with their instruments.  It also makes me wish DSI would eventually take over Oberheim and maintain the small number of instruments Tom has recently re-issued.

OB6 is easy to love lol....sounds so damn good, built like a tank and even looks cool as hell to boot!

Tom Joining forces with Dave on more than just a one time collaboration....that would be a dream!  Who better to watch over Tom's legacy than Dave?   

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2018, 11:01:53 PM »
I put my OB6 right up there with my vintage Minimoog D as far as pure sonic satisfaction from a synthesizer is concerned.

"Dans une classe ŕ part", like we say in french.

Every time that I play it, and tweak it, I get goosebumps at some point.
Thank you Dave and Tom for this one of a kind gem.

Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340


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Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2018, 08:16:26 PM »
I have one on the way.  Guess I'm waiting for my mail order bride to start the honeymoon.  :)

Apologies to any ladies here.  But I am really excited about the OB-6.  Now I'm starting to be on the lookout for a good poly AT controller. 

The Oberheim SEM reissues got me interested but the availability was slim, the Behringer Uberheim got it rekindled, the OB-6 impressed the crap out of me and any regret at not getting a SEM or two went out the window.  If I had the money and the need, I'd support him more with a TVS purchase. Also, I wanted to see Tom get something for his incredible work and sound with a synth that's not a disposable one made in a workcamp.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2018, 08:20:12 PM by buchlabum »

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2018, 07:18:59 AM »
I have one on the way. 

You're in for a treat!  Congrats! 

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2018, 01:28:43 PM »
Same here. I've had mine since Nov. of 2016 and it continues to inspire.
Original Model D <> Sub 37 <> Minitaur <> Slim Phatty <> OB-6 <> Prophet Rev2 8Voice <> Integra 7 <> SE-02 <> Prologue16 <> Triton Le <> Boss Dr. Rhythm DR-55 <> Sound Gizmo

"They're not aliens...they're Americans!"
(The Mouse That Roared, 1959)

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2018, 04:40:34 AM »
OB6 = Dream Synth!


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Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2018, 09:36:37 PM »
It should be here tomorrow... 8)

Funny thing is that I really didn't know about the OB-6 until I got the Rev2 module after a MEK.  I always loved the way his SEM modules sounded, deep down wanted one of his 4 voice SEM systems but could never afford or justify one.  Then I saw some of the demo videos on the DSI main website, and the rest is online shopping history.

I still want to try the module out with a polyAT controller.


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Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2018, 07:36:13 AM »
Yeah, the OB6 just blows me away! So far, it's the best polysynth for the price (though the Prophet 6 is a great companion)!
Nicholas Long


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Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2018, 12:40:34 AM »
Took me 4 hours to rush through the presets on the OB-6.

The formant sounds are beautiful, the OB-6 sounds like s child, but also sounds like a demon.  I know it sounds cheesy and cliche, but the OB-6 feels alive.  The only synth I have that can sound more alive is my Buchla, but at a cost.

I didn't think it was possible, but I actually want a second one once I found myself running out of voices (I'm spoiled by the Rev2).  I'm hoping to pick up an old Ensoniq synth to use as a controller for the poly AT.  I'm surprised and excited at how much aftertouch the OB-6 uses.

I got jury duty tomorrow, but I'll fill it watching and listening to OB-6 sounds as I watch the clock tick down so I can go home and play with it.

Another overall happy OB-6 owner here, but the OS seems like it could be due for an update?    ;D


Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2018, 05:49:59 AM »
Having already placed my order for the Two Voice Pro I think I'm set in terms of Tom's gear for the time being.

The OB6 has always been sort of bittersweet to me. I love my Prophet 6 and when the OB6 was announced I was so excited but then I realized it's incredibly similar to the Prophet 6 and I felt a bit let down to be honest. I'm still considering it eventually if I had the extra cash to spare but I just think the set up may get redundant with the Prophet 6 and OB6 but I haven't ruled it out completely I just wish it would have more of it's own identity rather than simply a Prophet 6 with Oberheim guts.

I think just a few differences...maybe blue leds instead of red, the Oberheim bender from the OBXa as opposed to the DSI pitch/mod wheels, perhaps instead of X Mod somehow make the engine bi-timbral...would have made it stand out more. Even when I see those P6 vs OB6 videos...the differences are so negligible that I think I'd end up wasting one of them if I had both.

It is however the first polyphonic Oberheim synth in years and will likely be the last one. So I can see it's appeal.

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2018, 05:35:12 PM »
I'm pretty upset with my OB6 to be honest.

Everytime I turn it on it just makes me lazy.  I don't do anything but sit there in awe of how it sounds and twiddle little knobs and buttons.  It even sounds sick when you describe it.  I had dream recently of going to school to be a lawyer, but then I got the OB6 and now all I can think about is the OB6.  And how it sounds.  Like a beautiful dream, and not at all like the kinds of things lawyers in training should be listening to (gavels and stuff I assume?).

Really upset at this point.  Starting to think about buying another.


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Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2018, 09:14:51 PM »
I'm pretty upset with my OB6 to be honest.

Everytime I turn it on it just makes me lazy.  I don't do anything but sit there in awe of how it sounds and twiddle little knobs and buttons.  It even sounds sick when you describe it.  I had dream recently of going to school to be a lawyer, but then I got the OB6 and now all I can think about is the OB6.  And how it sounds.  Like a beautiful dream, and not at all like the kinds of things lawyers in training should be listening to (gavels and stuff I assume?).

Really upset at this point.  Starting to think about buying another.

You're one of the jerks who sold me on the OB-6 with their fancy-shmancy video saying how good it sounds.  I never heard such lies.  It sounds better than you described!  You freaking liar.   I might have to get a second one one day and show you...why you! 

But seriously, great video covering the OB-6.  But it does seriously sound better than it does on youtube.  :)

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2018, 10:30:28 PM »

Another overall happy OB-6 owner here, but the OS seems like it could be due for an update?    ;D

yes, Yes, YES!!!  ;D

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2018, 10:31:04 PM »
I'm pretty upset with my OB6 to be honest.

Everytime I turn it on it just makes me lazy.  I don't do anything but sit there in awe of how it sounds and twiddle little knobs and buttons.  It even sounds sick when you describe it.  I had dream recently of going to school to be a lawyer, but then I got the OB6 and now all I can think about is the OB6.  And how it sounds.  Like a beautiful dream, and not at all like the kinds of things lawyers in training should be listening to (gavels and stuff I assume?).

Really upset at this point.  Starting to think about buying another.
LOL!!! Right on! ;)  You nailed it, it's very easy to get distracted by the constant eargasms lol. 
« Last Edit: February 09, 2018, 10:34:13 PM by John01W »

Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2018, 09:55:25 AM »
You're one of the jerks who sold me on the OB-6 with their fancy-shmancy video saying how good it sounds.  I never heard such lies.  It sounds better than you described!  You freaking liar.

In hindsight, had I known how much hassle it would bring to my life and my career ambitions, I never would have bothered making that video.  I've become like... the ruiner of lives I feel like.


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Re: Honeymoon still not over(OB6)!
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2018, 07:19:03 PM »
Ruined me...

No synth can satisfy my ears anymore.  I might as well quit listening to any sounds now that I know what heaven sounds like.

I used to have a nice healthy relationship with my Buchla.  But now, when i get home, all I get are mean stares from it.  I insists that the 200e has nothing to worry about.  But I know I'm not telling the whole truth.

The Buchla accused me of being a pervert when I told it I had ordered an old Ensoniq keyboard to use poly aftertouch with the OB-6.  Said that the Buchla's 35 touchplates weren't enough for my obsession with touching and pushing keys.  I said your touchplates are programmable, the Buchla didn't care and hopped back into storage.  I haven't heard from it since.  A little worried, but the OB-6 comforts me.  I think it's just teeing me up for a nice long poly AT session when the ensoniq arrives.

Such drama!