So, has anyone been able to get a battery for the Tempest yet?
Ive run mine off a battery pack many times for hours, over the course of a handful of years. Sadly, the pack I use is not for sale anymore, but specs are specs. I did the math at one time and calculated how many hours, and then real world tested. It came out pretty close. The tape I put on the back of my tempest says "5 hrs max batt". I went thru a phase once of testing the MAH output of all my devices and putting it on the back. Now I run lotsa stuff from batteries and a powerfactorII. Dont get polarity wrong, or youll be buying voltage regulators or worse. The packs I found, can be set at 9/12/16/18V. Ive found that most pedals (and the tempest) run lowest noise floor on batteries. Obviously its because straight DC is superior with no grounding or conversion ripple. These packs have usb 5-6v outs also. Its sad they dont make em anymore. 16v is well within the tolerance of the tempest VR. It can run on 12V, but its dim and doesnt like it. I won't accept any responsibility for you damaging you equipment, but electricity is not magic, and the parts in a tempest for VR is common humdrum parts. Assuming you do the math and dont mess up... Anyhow, I have been known to velcro 2 packs under the tempest. 5 hrs per, so I have a backup. Heres 2 of them. Tempest and Timefactor go like pbj. The TF uses so little, when i velcro 2 under the tempest (foam side down, velcro up), i power my delay off one and tempest off other. Delay uses so little that I can theoretically get about 9 hrs of tempest and delay between the pair. Its just math... The pack says 23000mah, but im betting thats at the 5-6v outlet.