Hah! Those racks are awful expensive these days - as expensive as the keyboards. Otherwise, I'd probably buy a second one. There's just nothing like and Evolver. If they hold up over time, I think they'll be highly coveted synthesizers one day.
I think last year or the year before, when I didn't have any money, Noisebug had a really beautiful setup, a PER and a PEK for around $3000. Not super cheap, but the prices people are asking now, it would be like $4000-4500. Too much for a hobbyist like me. I'd snap up 20 voices to play a one not drone as an experiment w/o thinking about it if music was my career.

I probably should just get a PEK, but I like the compactness of the MEK. Just a few more notes, like the Pro2's keyboard, and it would have been perfect.