sorry, didn't read properly. you can't record that on the tempest. only the sliders on the tempest itself.
Thank you , thank you , thank you for your transparent , simple to understand and humble response .
You should have seen the other clown who responded to me in the other topic I posted “ first off go read the manual “ secondly “ go research the forum “
And “good luck learning it” was basically how I was spoken to .
It’s not a huge set back though, I can click the record button and assign the sliders to those same mods and recreate them anyway. Or just plug in the audio into a DAW and recording audio signal .
I’ve been really trying to push the limits of the tempest in terms of sequencing and trying to record full tracks.
My current project is 24k magic by Bruno mars . I lifted the drum track, synth bass, synth stabs and synth leads , and the 6 voices are starting to seem not enough!
Now, my kind friend , would you know if the tempest has the ability to poly chain for more voices ?
Do you know how poly chaining works ? Is it possible to poly chain two separate devices ? Like if I could poly chain the prophet 6 to the tempest , and let the tempest play notes and the prophet 6 synth produces the sounds based off the settings on the prophet 6, thus not using any of the voices from the tempest ?
Thanks again!