Aftertouch on desktop 0b6

Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« on: January 01, 2018, 08:09:03 AM »
Hey yall quick question. Got ob 6 desktop couple days ago. Everything sounds great and love using the synth only thing would change would be the super wobbly nobs other than that have one question havent figured out. Havent figured out to use aftertouch at all . Doesnt seem to be transmitting at all. The aftertouch will still transmit even with the desktop model correct. Or will i need a key board that has aftertouch . Thanks any reply would be great


Re: Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2018, 08:39:43 AM »
The OB-6 does not generate / send polyphonic aftertouch.  It does generate/send channel aftertouch, i.e. one note senses aftertouch - they all get it.  All this said… the OB-6 does respond to polyphonic aftertouch.  So if you have an external controller that sends polyphonic aftertouch, your OB-6 will respond to those messages (giving you note-specific polyphonic aftertouch).  This is covered in the manual under ‘Received Channel Messages’- but is easily missed. 

All this is good ... but if you have to get those aftertouch messages *to* the OB-6.  If you're using a keyboard -- it needs to send the right messages.

Re: Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2018, 09:38:37 AM »
Ok thanks for reply. I am aware that isnt polyphonic after touch. Seems like it isnt even transmitting aftertouch monophonically. Unless the aftertouch is that subtle i cant tell a difference with it on or off. Tried tons of different presets and my own patches aswell. Is it really that subtle i feel like i should be able to press down the key with pressure and say aftertouch was routed to the filter frequency and hear the modulation of the opening of the filter this is not the case though. Am i missing something or is it really that subtle? That being said velocity works fine so i dont think would be the key pressure sensors or whatever

Re: Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2018, 05:14:53 PM »
The knobs on my ob-6 desktop are rock solid, all of them. Damn thing is built like a tank imho. AT has it's own section on the panel and mine is not subtle at all with the knobs even just a little + or - the center position.
Original Model D <> Sub 37 <> Minitaur <> Slim Phatty <> OB-6 <> Prophet Rev2 8Voice <> Integra 7 <> SE-02 <> Prologue16 <> Triton Le <> Boss Dr. Rhythm DR-55 <> Sound Gizmo

"They're not aliens...they're Americans!"
(The Mouse That Roared, 1959)

Re: Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2018, 12:55:27 AM »
I am going to take a video and show the knobs to aee what you think chimp and tell me if yours are this way. Also i know at has own sextion. Do you have the desktop or the version with keyboard. If the midi xontroller i use doesnt have aftertouch the aftertouch wont transmit from ob6 right? Thats my queation once again my apologies just never have had synth with aftertouch before. Thanks again
 Will upload video tomorrow


Re: Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2018, 05:53:30 AM »
I am going to take a video and show the knobs to aee what you think chimp and tell me if yours are this way. Also i know at has own sextion. Do you have the desktop or the version with keyboard. If the midi xontroller i use doesnt have aftertouch the aftertouch wont transmit from ob6 right? Thats my queation once again my apologies just never have had synth with aftertouch before. Thanks again
 Will upload video tomorrow

Sorry, if my previous answer wasn't clear.  But, yes.  If your controller doesn't register / send aftertouch to the OB-6, then there is nothing for the OB to respond to.. and you won't hear it.  If you're in doubt about aftertouch, try connecting your stuff through a computer and run a MIDI monitor program, to visibly see what messages are streaming to the OB-6.  Unless it receives aftertouch signals (from your controller), it has nothing to respond to.

Re: Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2018, 02:50:50 PM »
My OB6 Desktop also responds to aftertouch (from an Oberheim Matrix-6 used as a MIDI keyboard controller). Mine isn't as sensitive as Chimponaut's (my Matrix-6 aftertouch control is very gradual). And, of course, the OB6 desktop will not send any aftertouch signals by itself. It needs to receive such MIDI data from a MIDI aftertouch equipped keyboard.
BTW, as I said before, all the knobs are rock solid on my OB6 Module.

Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340

Re: Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2018, 05:40:25 PM »
Thanka yall for info i figured out wverything  ;D lol. Here is the video of the knobs let me know what you think. Doesnt bother me or playing really but def seems wobbly.

Re: Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2018, 06:03:31 PM »
Thanka yall for info i figured out wverything  ;D lol. Here is the video of the knobs let me know what you think. Doesnt bother me or playing really but def seems wobbly.

Had a look at the video. You do realize that these aren't sliders, and have to be turned, right ? (just kidding)
Mine definitely aren't that loose. But then again, I've never tried to move them sideways that hard before. ;-)
But there is definitely some slight looseness on mine too, just not that much. Although I'm a light touch when it comes to knobs... lol
Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340

Re: Aftertouch on desktop 0b6
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2018, 08:35:26 PM »
Lol i am aware. Thanka for reply most of em are ok. The frequency cutoff and rez are just little loose to point where i sweep they do wobble a little. I have just jad other synths that are much more sturdy. Like i said all is good. Def not a big deal. Thanks for all info guys. Stay vibing