OS updates / Flaky encoders

Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2018, 11:28:20 AM »
DSI is sending me another board so they are certainly trying to rectify the issue. AlainHubert -  Did you decide to solder in those encoders? If so I'm curious of the results?  I have considered that option as a statistically better option( 2 encoder gamble rather than rolling the dice on 32 of them!    My issue is that I would not feel comfortable replacing them without purchasing a rework station. I'm a poor "desolder" with just a iron alone!

Not yet (I'm rather busy with my work right now). But I am equipped with a desoldering iron, otherwise I would have chosen the full board replacement option instead. The main faulty encoder (the Parameter one on my REV2) is not annoying enough to prevent me from selecting a given value (yet). It's just that, annoying for now, as it sometimes skips values or doesn't do anything for a couple of steps.

I'll come back in this thread to keep you all posted when I finally have the time to take all those knobs off and get to the encoder, and will let you know if it cures the problem. Frankly, I have my doubts, after seeing how cheap and small those ALPS replacement encoders are. And, as I've said before, I suspect it might have something to do with the encoder software acceleration routine being too sensitive, or fooled by scratchy encoders.
Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340

Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2018, 05:04:43 PM »
After my last message, I've managed to set aside a couple of hours tonight to begin the job of replacing the "faulty" Parameter encoder.
I've followed the instructions given to dismantle the REV2 and everything went smoothly to get the board out and onto my workbench.

I then proceeded to desolder the "faulty" encoder. Not as easy as one could imagine since it's a 2 (+?) layer board. But after a  careful job not to damage anything, the encoder was out.

I then took the replacements out of the package sent by DSI support, only to find out that they were PHYSICALLY DIFFERENT. In other words, the replacement don't fit. The base of the shaft is threaded, whereas the original is not which prevents the base to pass thru the holes on the front panel. Moreover, the shaft itself is too long !

So I then decided to resolder the old one in place. And reinstall all the screws, wire connectors, and numerous knobs in place.
The Parameter encoder still works exactly as before, randomly skipping values (mainly when going down, or turning it to the left). No better, and most importantly no worse than before. Luckily, I took all possible precaution and care to do the best job possible. 

So, my advice to anyone who would be tempted to take on the job of individually replacing encoders, go for the whole board swap instead. Much easier, and at least the replacement board should fit. And that advice is coming from an electronics hobbyist of more than 30 years experience, with the right equipment.

Here is a picture of the two encoders, side by side. The one on the left is the original, the other is the wrong replacement part sent to me by DSI support. The second pic is the old encoder after reinstalling it. <moderator edit: personal attacks will not be tolerated.  You have been warned>

As a side benefit to doing all of that though, I could finally get rid of a small white speck of dust that was caught between the OLED display and protective screen that was annoying me from the moment I took my REV2 out of the box. (poor quality control at DSI)

« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 05:44:30 PM by cbmd »
Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340


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Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2018, 05:43:44 PM »

My apologies to see that you received the errant part, we would be happy to send you the correct part free of charge.

That said, I would advise you to watch the tone of your messages.  Calling our support department "too dumb" is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

If you continue to use this type of language, you may be banned from this forum.  Personal attacks will simply not be tolerated.

Regarding your previous comment regarding the "hidden" support pages, these pages are put in place to aid users in cases where boards must be removed.  We actively use them in our support department and most all users find them incredibly helpful and useful.
Product Designer
Sequential | Oberheim

Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2018, 06:44:49 PM »

My apologies to see that you received the errant part, we would be happy to send you the correct part free of charge.

That said, I would advise you to watch the tone of your messages.  Calling our support department "too dumb" is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

If you continue to use this type of language, you may be banned from this forum.  Personal attacks will simply not be tolerated.

Regarding your previous comment regarding the "hidden" support pages, these pages are put in place to aid users in cases where boards must be removed.  We actively use them in our support department and most all users find them incredibly helpful and useful.

Let me sincerely apologize for that unwarranted bashing. Maybe I should have waited a little while longer, to calm down after the frustration resulting from having spent 2 hours for nothing, before writing a reply. But that's no excuse to be needlessly this harsh and disrespectful. Truly sorry about that. It shouldn't happen ever again. You have my word.

As for other encoders, I think I'll wait to evaluate if it's really worth it to go through all that effort again, or simply select the alternative to maybe swap the whole board instead next time.

I can certainly appreciate members of the DSI team taking the time to come here on the forum, and also respond very quickly when contacted via support tickets. That would certainly not be the case if the whole DSI team wasn't passionate about their work. A Big thank you for that ! Hope you'll forgive me, as this forum is greatly appreciated.


P.S. Yes those service pages are indeed invaluable when attempting to replace boards, and are greatly appreciated. I was previously only wondering why such pages were created in the first place, but evidently it was to facilitate things, which they do.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 07:28:34 PM by AlainHubert »
Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340

Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2018, 05:31:27 PM »

Thanks for your update on your repair. I understand it is frustrating to go to the trouble disassembling the synth ( and desoldering) only to have the wrong part or my case another board with suspect encoders.  At least we are spending our time trying to rectify the issue where as I'm sure many customers would just keep exchanging their synth until the problem was resolved.

On the plus side, I just got done playing my OB-6 and it's working perfectly. What a glorious sound!
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 05:45:09 PM by Wmacky »

Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2018, 10:42:03 PM »

Thanks for your update on your repair. I understand it is frustrating to go to the trouble disassembling the synth ( and desoldering) only to have the wrong part or my case another board with suspect encoders.  At least we are spending our time trying to rectify the issue where as I'm sure many customers would just keep exchanging their synth until the problem was resolved.

On the plus side, I just got done playing my OB-6 and it's working perfectly. What a glorious sound!

You're welcome Wmacky.

Yes indeed. The REV2 is really great, but the OB6 is superb. Soundwise. Congrats and enjoy it !
Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340

Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2018, 05:06:33 PM »
Last Update:

I'm a happy camper.  The second board replacement did the trick.  All the encoders  work perfectly on this one. No skipping or unresponsiveness.  I must confess, I was worried that this board would have the same encoder issues as the rest, but it did not. Thank you DSI for not giving up. The fact that they will work we you on a repair instead of making you shipping it back as most mega Corps will, means a lot to me. Thank you  Mark for you professional service!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 05:09:03 PM by Wmacky »

Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2018, 11:01:24 AM »
Last Update:

I'm a happy camper.  The second board replacement did the trick.  All the encoders  work perfectly on this one. No skipping or unresponsiveness.  I must confess, I was worried that this board would have the same encoder issues as the rest, but it did not. Thank you DSI for not giving up. The fact that they will work we you on a repair instead of making you shipping it back as most mega Corps will, means a lot to me. Thank you  Mark for you professional service!

I'm glad that you've finally got properly working encoders (all of them).

I'm still debating if I want to go through the option of asking to get a replacement board. But maybe it's because I've been burned once already ?

Yes, DSI support is very responsive. And yes, they will work with you until the issue is resolved. And yes they must be commended for that. It is certainly very much appreciated, even when things don't go quite according to plans.

Anyway, thank you very much for keeping us informed of the progress, Wmacky. And hopefully your REV2 will provide you with years of trouble-free enjoyment now.

Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340

Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2018, 09:53:29 AM »
Just thought I'd update the situation with REV2. The "flakyness" of the encoders has now spread to almost all of them. I'm probably one of the unlucky few with a bad batch of these.
So I contacted DSI support yet again, and I'm currently awaiting to received two complete panel boards from them to replace mine.
Thanks to Carson Day who was very understanding, they should arrive early next week. I hope that once I swap them, It'll be then end of my misfortune with jumpy encoders on my beloved REV2.
I'll keep you posted.

Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340

Re: OS updates / Flaky encoders
« Reply #29 on: February 19, 2018, 11:48:23 AM »
Received the two replacement panel boards today from DSI (that was quick, even if I'm in another country and about 3000 miles away!). Proceeded to exchange them with my faulty ones in my REV2.
I'm glad to report that the encoders are finally not skipping values anymore.  ;D
There was only one or two that missed a few steps (no skipping values though) on their very first turn. That went completely away after rotating them full circle a few times.

A big THANK YOU to DSI support team for their dedication ! 

Now, all that remains is for me to return the defective boards to them and that should be the end of the skipping encoder saga.


« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 12:02:39 PM by AlainHubert »
Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340