Hey all.
I use an RME Fireface UFX which has 8 hardware inputs, I have the PRO 2 L/R in jacks 1/2 respectively.
In the Software Mixer, I can separate channels 1 and 2 to have a fader for each channel. That is, Analog Inputs AN 1 and AN 2.
Or I could combine the channels so that only one fader controls the L/R, or AN 1/2.
So my questions are, given how the PRO 2 operates, a) When/why would I create independent/separate channels, that is, AN 1 panned L100 and AN 2 panned R100, versus one channel, AN 1/2 panned dead center?
b) This is probably obvious, but would separated AN 1 and AN 2 each panned center have exactly the same effect as the channels AN 1/2 combined panned center?
c) For creating patches, which setup is most useful, considering you may at some point want to switch a stereo patch to mono or vice versa?
May have a follow up depending, thanks for your insight!