Hi All
Just got my Rev2 so i thought i give it a go as there are a few things still that should be updated so here is my wish list , feel free to add REALISTIC Os updates only !! thanks

1. Sub oscillator volume is way to low (not sure if it's just my model but it's like half the volume of the DCO.)
2. Pan Split option in ''Misc menu'' to switch off alternate PAN ( from the PAN knob ) and instead by default Pan left Sound A and Pan Right Sound B by the Pan Knob. (without having to use a MOD Matrix slot)
3.Poly UNISON mode (reducing notes the more notes are played)
4.Saving Patches with EDIT A+B enabled and would recall the patch with it enabled (blinking light) Very useful !!!
5.LOCAL OFF is still absolute Useless CR*P !!! (in Both Rev2 and Pro2 i own) Please fire up a Korg , Roland or Yamaha product to see how it should behave ( It should only disconnect Keyboard )
6. Save Patches with Transpose setting that was selected.
That's all from me for now