How long does oscillator calibration take?

Re: How long does oscillator calibration take?
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2024, 06:41:03 AM »
I have tried letting my rev16 w 1.2.1 warm up for HOURS / 60 plus restarts and the calibration never works

Always freezes / 1 time it quickly moved to ‘2’ innfirstcsecondctyrj froze

Did the ‘ unplug all cables ( never had any plugged in ) , restart , clear , calibrate’ steps as mentioned above

Always freezes no matter what I try to vary

Any help would be greatly appreciated/ I was hoping newer is would have resolved but no luck

I also noticed ‘initialize to factory shipped ‘ is not working either

Very frustrated I can’t get this to work  / will try anything at this point