Ye i know about the cases Chris Randall used a wonderful case with his Euroracks at a presentation...But to achieve this kind of power with Cases you need a very big case!
Only for studio use nah!
While you guys dream of the perfect synth I'll be over here building my own in eurocrackland haha
Quite a few people take euro on a the road checkout a kickstarter called Nono modular space cases the portable modular scene is definitely getting traction!
Yeah thats true, a good polysynth is never really going to be in modular form (although there will be exceptions im sure), at the moment i have a 6u not even full system and to be honest the range of sounds i can get from it is insane but what is also insane is the quality! I think that because the people who make the modules are like super focused on one small part of what consists of a synth that they make that one part of the whole much better quality than the synths that come together already like normal synths.
So the VCA on my modular is super awesome, gives you some really really nice saturation does a load of other things the VCA in the Tempest for instance never will (like 6db boost and there are 4 of them so a +24db boost if you like). The filter i chose has a symettry mode which from what i can gather uses posistive and negative signals at the same time (so think the resonance q then also cuts some as well as boosts i think), my Oscillator does a shitload of crazy ass stuff (DPO) and they are all amazing on their own so when you sound design on it you get some amazing results i have to admit!
It can be convoluted but, some say the exact same thing about the Tempest right, its the end result that matters. Its also expensive and addictive! One other benefit though is it forces you to understand sounds in a much deeper and more meaningful way. Its not for everyone i'm sure, but if you have not tried it, i emplore you to make a small 6u system and try it out!