So hope in Linn 
I've started on the Eurorack route but, tbh, I think that I'll end up with some of my percussion coming from my Euro, there is just so many options to build things exactly as you want them with Euro, so you can just get those 909 hats, that 808 kick, that ms20 filter, you can adjust the groove and timing of the triggers a lot more as well than a normal drum machine, its expensive and convoluted but, when you get a really nice oscillator and a couple of envelopes and start to build your drums from the ground up I don't know why but they sound a lot better, maybe its because your choosing every aspect, so your oscillator you'll head for the sine (where as Tempest has Triangle) etc etc. Subconciously you'll gravitate towards modules that have things on them you deem useful, so if you use a lot of white noise you'll end up with a module that has white noise on it kind of thing.
I'd probably look at a Linndrum 2.0 as well but other than that or possibly a TR8 just for a goto 909/808 setup, oh or a simmond SDS V, i think i'm just going to buy modules for my Euro and make any drums i need from that. You can get some seriously amazing modules for Euro the Cwejman range are fucking insane my next module is going to be their BLD because the Tempest kick never really did that much for me personally its ok, but, who wants ok? We all want "fucking amazing"!!! The Tempest overall is "fucking amazing" but it does lack in one or two areas I think if you want to get right down to the nitty gritty. Kicks and 909 hats... haha