Hello, thanks a lot for your work! Is there an easy way to modify the code in order to send syssex to all pads at once?)
Also adding filter would be great feature. This is a revolutionary work u did. Hope you will continue!)
I'm glad you like it! To send sysex to all pads will require to reverse engineer and deal with the Pattern/Beat File format. it was hard enough to deal with the Sound File format because of the lack of information from DSI about their strange midi sysex architecture. It is a lot easer to quick select the pads one by one and do the randomization.
what do you mean with filter?
unfortunately i don't own a tempest anymore.. so its hard to develop further the app. i hope i can afford it in 1 or 2 years again and continue the work on it. but it's open source so everybody could play with the code and develop freely more features and much sophisticated app then mine. (I'm not a programmer
Thanks for your reply.
By filter I ment filter settings randomisation.
I am not a programmer too like you but have some experience:
just thought maybe it would be possible to send a midi note which would select the pad and then perform the randomisation routine. And then run all that in a loop for all pads. Not very familiar with Xcode. Which file of the project should be modified
in order to try to perform that scenario?
where about are you based?
I think you should get support from DSI for your work. To be honest I changed my mind to sell the machine just because of your software. This world is so unfair it's insane. As soon as I get some cash I'll send you beers. Still paying credit card for Tempest as well)