You mention the Deepmind 12 and the Peak, but both are different synths to the REV2 and shouldn't be compared.
If you do compare they are inferior to a 16 voice REV2 in many ways.
For example Deepmind 12 offers only 1 switchable oscillator (oscillator 2 is fixed square/Pulse wave).
It only offers two LFO's
It has no sub oscillator
It only has a 4 octave Keyboard
It is only 12 note polyphonic
It is monotimbral
The Peak too is inferior to the REV2
Firstly it's a DIGITAL synth, not an analogue one.
It has no keys at all!

It offers only 2 LFOs
It has no sub oscillator, you'd have to use one of it's 3 digital oscillators as a sub making it just a two oscillator digital synth.
Despite being a digital synth it is only 8 note polyphonic.
It is monotimbral
It seems to me you want digital flexibility from an analogue synth!
As for the REV2 I think it's pretty flexible for an analogue synth.
Firstly it is Bi-Timbral.
It is 16 note Polyphonic
It has a nice 5 octave keyboard with velocity & aftertouch
It has a sub oscillator
It has 4 LFOs

When stacked you effectively have up to 6 oscillators (4 oscillators & 2 Sub Oscillators), with 2 effects and 8 notes of polyphony.
There's nothing else out there to my knowledge that does what the REV2 does at the money it does it.
If it's not for you...fine, but I don't it's fair to say the things you don't like are flaws - that would suggest other modern analogue synths do it better...which they don't!