Hi, I am rehearsing for a gig with a drummer controlling the tempest through midi drum pads/triggers via midi. Everything works fine but now the Tempest's distortion keeps turning itself on even though the knob is fully turned off. I tested it this morning and after a few bars the distortion just kicks on and I am completely baffled. Has anyone heard of this? Does this mean my unit is "broken" or is it possibly some software thing. I've had the unit do other weird things since the last update (which I believe was the last official one). For example I've had the unit drop out sounds unless I send them to one of the other OUTS on the unit besides the default stereo outs.
I'm really frustrated because just when I'm getting prepared to use this thing live I run into issues such as this and then you spend a session trying to fix or work around this Machine's problems. Man, I really wish they would get this thing running smoothly because I think they owe it to us seeing as we paid 2k for it. Don't get me wrong, I love what this thing can do, and I'm creating some great sounds, but the issues the pop up make it a nightmare to rely on in a professional situation. I need a unit I can tour with without worrying.
I appreciate any help with the distortion issue I am having. That one really makes it impossible to use my sounds as they were designed (it makes some sounds like fricking Barks, which means I now have to try to program these sounds differently and use the unit as some lo-fi crunch box.....sigh). Sorry if I sound pissed.