using the sequencer with midi on the prophet 6

using the sequencer with midi on the prophet 6
« on: June 08, 2017, 08:30:10 PM »
I can't seem to get this to work.  I've copied a programmed track 1 to track 2 and set the destination to out1 ch1.  It doesn't seem to have any effect on the prophet 6.  I can play it with the pro 2 keyboard though.  Also the arpeggiator works on midi.  I know some people are using the sequencer over midi, so anyone that can suggest what I might be doing wrong, please help.

Re: using the sequencer with midi on the prophet 6
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2017, 09:57:08 PM »
I don't really use the sequencer in the Pro-2 but others on the forum have had the same problem.  I believe that the fix is to go into the global parameters and make sure the sequencer is set to send/receive in midi rather than CV.

Hope this helps.
Jim Thorburn .  Toys-  Dave Smith: Prophet 5, Rev 4; Prophet 08; Pro 2; Prophet 12 module; EastWest Orchestral soft synths; Yamaha S-90; Yamaha Montage 8, Yamaha DX-7; KARP Odyssey; Ensoniq ESQ-1.  All run through a Cubase DAW with a Tascam DM-24 board.

Re: using the sequencer with midi on the prophet 6
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2017, 09:25:50 AM »
I can't seem to get this to work.  I've copied a programmed track 1 to track 2 and set the destination to out1 ch1.  It doesn't seem to have any effect on the prophet 6.  I can play it with the pro 2 keyboard though.  Also the arpeggiator works on midi.  I know some people are using the sequencer over midi, so anyone that can suggest what I might be doing wrong, please help.

I just tested this on my P6 and Pro 2 at home, and it worked fine. Did you adjust the velocity for track 2 after you copied it from track one? When you copy over track one to a new track, it sets the destination track's velocity to zero.

Re: using the sequencer with midi on the prophet 6
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2017, 05:38:47 PM »
yeh, that's the thing about the pro 2, its an amazing sounding machine with great specs on paper, but has seriously unintuitive features (and why you can't just hit play and have it work with midi baffles my mind, but I've learned to not ask questions with this synth).  What I want to know is EXACTLY how to get a sequence out on midi.  I looked here and found the copy to track 2 feature with destination to out1 ch1, but don't know anything else.  Do you have to set the velocity per step?  And then when I look at the mod matrix the out 1ch 1 is greyed out. 

Re: using the sequencer with midi on the prophet 6
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2017, 09:44:10 AM »
It should be as easy for you as the instructions below. It's good to have OS 1.3 loaded if you don't already.

1. In the Globals, make sure MIDI Out is set to MIDI DIN, not USB
2. Connect a MIDI cable from the main MIDI Out of the Pro to to the MIDI In of the Prophet 6
3. Ensure that the Prophet 6 is set to receive MIDI on Channel 1

1. Start with the Basic Program for the sake of example (shortcut: LATCH1 + HOLD)
2. Press SEQUENCER to enable the sequencer
3. Press RECORD and play 16 notes from the keyboard
4. Hold TRACK SELECT, use Soft Button 2 to initiate the copy, and then press sequencer Step 2 to copy Track 1 to Track 2
5. Continue holding TRACK SELECT, use Soft Knob 4 to set Track 2's destination to "Out1 Ch1", use Soft Knob 3 to set all steps in the track to a non-zero value
6. Release TRACK Select and press PLAY