No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #60 on: April 30, 2020, 02:20:05 PM »
OK... so let's do an exercise about what that would entail so you understand why we don't port things back often:

Ratchet per step, at its most simple form, would require one ratchet param per step. Makes sense since it's a chord based polyphonic sequencer, not individual timbres.

If we conservatively say 2-8 ratchets we could get away with 4 bits per step. For a 64 step sequencer, that requires 32 8 bit params if we pack them. Since we didn't save room for params (because we were fairly certain we would not be adding large features due to the simplicity of the architecture) I didn't put unused params in the list, so we would have to expand it. The sound file would have be versioned and handled correctly. Not hard to do, we've done it on most of our more current instruments, but takes time when it wasn't baked into the code.

More importantly, what does the UI look like? Even if we could think of a simple way to indicate how many ratchets there are per step... how do you edit it on the front panel? How do you ratchet vs. no ratchet? Even if you can figure out a somewhat clean way of doing it this will feel clunky and un-intuitive. Not what the instrument is designed for.

And then the sequencer itself. It is low resolution, which means I would have to kick up the processor time and make sure that it runs smoothly faster to do clean ratcheting, at least 96ppqn. That would take a while. Anything over 24ppqn is a LOT more complicated because it runs faster than MIDI clock rate. That means you have to interpolate and run internal and external clock at the same time. That would take a while to port back to an older and slower processor. I rewrote everything from scratch on the Pro3 to handle all these new features, on a new chip, with a new faster OS.

How many extra would we sell? I can't imagine we'd sell any just because of this feature honestly, and we already have it working on new products so it wouldn't give us technology we didn't already have. As an economical decision it makes very little sense.

That's the short answer of why it won't happen on the P6/OB6

Sadly I've been told that the P6/OB-6 have "likely" been put out to pasture in regard to updates. The meaty P12/Pro 2 linear FM update will continue to be the shining exception and not the rule.  :-\

My personal lockdown consideration vote would have gone towards a decent reverb, as the super-plate algorithm being transferred seemed feasible...
On another forum they said it's not possible to add the reverb. I think they will still do another update because they current one is still beta. I think they will do one more update and add some things. Racheting would be easy to add and would not compete with pro3. I'm not gonna buy that anyway, I have other synths too much in that vain. It's not like racheting is gonna turn the simple phrase sequencer on the p6 into a sequencing powerhouse.. it would just be a nice little fun added ability.
Whoa man no.. your making it really complicated. I already explained you can put it in the UI with no trouble, you already have hit back to erase a step right? So same procedure just forward and the note press to rachet, since a rachet is a forward step before next step.

Second, don't make it polyphonic, you already have triplets in the Arp right? Same thing, just one event(note) between next step. Only first note of a chord or single note, chords would sound messy.

Third, you should because it's main competitors already can.. super six and matriarch both rachet. Just one more in-between note would be huge for us and would compete better with the others.. another reason to go for this over the competition. I don't know about the programming but if you can squeeze even one note of rachet in, it would be really huge, prophet 6 is to good a synth to not have it, nomatter what comes from you guys in the future.. This synth is special, history bring created again I believe.. please, please, think about it!! No confusing ui, it makes sense. A killer feature too.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 02:23:52 PM by Kja »


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #61 on: April 30, 2020, 03:32:09 PM »
On another forum they said it's not possible to add the reverb.

There was no indication of that when I asked just the other day.

"I don't expect that the Super Plate would be ported back to the Prophet 6/OB-6, but it's been requested before and is on our list of user feature requests."


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Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #62 on: April 30, 2020, 10:51:02 PM »
I'm not sure how much clearer I can be. It's not going to happen. This synth was not designed to have a complex interface or sequencer response. It would take a lot of work to implement due to all sorts of reasons. Maybe a simple way could be figured out but even if we could it would take a while to design it. Then code it. Then test it. Then fix bugs. Etc, etc. For a feature that very few people have requested. We are a very small company and choose where we put our resources very carefully to stay in business. Was just giving you a little idea of how we do that

OK... so let's do an exercise about what that would entail so you understand why we don't port things back often:

Ratchet per step, at its most simple form, would require one ratchet param per step. Makes sense since it's a chord based polyphonic sequencer, not individual timbres.

If we conservatively say 2-8 ratchets we could get away with 4 bits per step. For a 64 step sequencer, that requires 32 8 bit params if we pack them. Since we didn't save room for params (because we were fairly certain we would not be adding large features due to the simplicity of the architecture) I didn't put unused params in the list, so we would have to expand it. The sound file would have be versioned and handled correctly. Not hard to do, we've done it on most of our more current instruments, but takes time when it wasn't baked into the code.

More importantly, what does the UI look like? Even if we could think of a simple way to indicate how many ratchets there are per step... how do you edit it on the front panel? How do you ratchet vs. no ratchet? Even if you can figure out a somewhat clean way of doing it this will feel clunky and un-intuitive. Not what the instrument is designed for.

And then the sequencer itself. It is low resolution, which means I would have to kick up the processor time and make sure that it runs smoothly faster to do clean ratcheting, at least 96ppqn. That would take a while. Anything over 24ppqn is a LOT more complicated because it runs faster than MIDI clock rate. That means you have to interpolate and run internal and external clock at the same time. That would take a while to port back to an older and slower processor. I rewrote everything from scratch on the Pro3 to handle all these new features, on a new chip, with a new faster OS.

How many extra would we sell? I can't imagine we'd sell any just because of this feature honestly, and we already have it working on new products so it wouldn't give us technology we didn't already have. As an economical decision it makes very little sense.

That's the short answer of why it won't happen on the P6/OB6

Sadly I've been told that the P6/OB-6 have "likely" been put out to pasture in regard to updates. The meaty P12/Pro 2 linear FM update will continue to be the shining exception and not the rule.  :-\

My personal lockdown consideration vote would have gone towards a decent reverb, as the super-plate algorithm being transferred seemed feasible...
On another forum they said it's not possible to add the reverb. I think they will still do another update because they current one is still beta. I think they will do one more update and add some things. Racheting would be easy to add and would not compete with pro3. I'm not gonna buy that anyway, I have other synths too much in that vain. It's not like racheting is gonna turn the simple phrase sequencer on the p6 into a sequencing powerhouse.. it would just be a nice little fun added ability.
Whoa man no.. your making it really complicated. I already explained you can put it in the UI with no trouble, you already have hit back to erase a step right? So same procedure just forward and the note press to rachet, since a rachet is a forward step before next step.

Second, don't make it polyphonic, you already have triplets in the Arp right? Same thing, just one event(note) between next step. Only first note of a chord or single note, chords would sound messy.

Third, you should because it's main competitors already can.. super six and matriarch both rachet. Just one more in-between note would be huge for us and would compete better with the others.. another reason to go for this over the competition. I don't know about the programming but if you can squeeze even one note of rachet in, it would be really huge, prophet 6 is to good a synth to not have it, nomatter what comes from you guys in the future.. This synth is special, history bring created again I believe.. please, please, think about it!! No confusing ui, it makes sense. A killer feature too.


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #63 on: May 01, 2020, 04:37:50 AM »
I'm not sure how much clearer I can be. It's not going to happen. This synth was not designed to have a complex interface or sequencer response. It would take a lot of work to implement due to all sorts of reasons. Maybe a simple way could be figured out but even if we could it would take a while to design it. Then code it. Then test it. Then fix bugs. Etc, etc. For a feature that very few people have requested. We are a very small company and choose where we put our resources very carefully to stay in business. Was just giving you a little idea of how we do that

OK... so let's do an exercise about what that would entail so you understand why we don't port things back often:

Ratchet per step, at its most simple form, would require one ratchet param per step. Makes sense since it's a chord based polyphonic sequencer, not individual timbres.

If we conservatively say 2-8 ratchets we could get away with 4 bits per step. For a 64 step sequencer, that requires 32 8 bit params if we pack them. Since we didn't save room for params (because we were fairly certain we would not be adding large features due to the simplicity of the architecture) I didn't put unused params in the list, so we would have to expand it. The sound file would have be versioned and handled correctly. Not hard to do, we've done it on most of our more current instruments, but takes time when it wasn't baked into the code.

More importantly, what does the UI look like? Even if we could think of a simple way to indicate how many ratchets there are per step... how do you edit it on the front panel? How do you ratchet vs. no ratchet? Even if you can figure out a somewhat clean way of doing it this will feel clunky and un-intuitive. Not what the instrument is designed for.

And then the sequencer itself. It is low resolution, which means I would have to kick up the processor time and make sure that it runs smoothly faster to do clean ratcheting, at least 96ppqn. That would take a while. Anything over 24ppqn is a LOT more complicated because it runs faster than MIDI clock rate. That means you have to interpolate and run internal and external clock at the same time. That would take a while to port back to an older and slower processor. I rewrote everything from scratch on the Pro3 to handle all these new features, on a new chip, with a new faster OS.

How many extra would we sell? I can't imagine we'd sell any just because of this feature honestly, and we already have it working on new products so it wouldn't give us technology we didn't already have. As an economical decision it makes very little sense.

That's the short answer of why it won't happen on the P6/OB6

Sadly I've been told that the P6/OB-6 have "likely" been put out to pasture in regard to updates. The meaty P12/Pro 2 linear FM update will continue to be the shining exception and not the rule.  :-\

My personal lockdown consideration vote would have gone towards a decent reverb, as the super-plate algorithm being transferred seemed feasible...
On another forum they said it's not possible to add the reverb. I think they will still do another update because they current one is still beta. I think they will do one more update and add some things. Racheting would be easy to add and would not compete with pro3. I'm not gonna buy that anyway, I have other synths too much in that vain. It's not like racheting is gonna turn the simple phrase sequencer on the p6 into a sequencing powerhouse.. it would just be a nice little fun added ability.
Whoa man no.. your making it really complicated. I already explained you can put it in the UI with no trouble, you already have hit back to erase a step right? So same procedure just forward and the note press to rachet, since a rachet is a forward step before next step.

Second, don't make it polyphonic, you already have triplets in the Arp right? Same thing, just one event(note) between next step. Only first note of a chord or single note, chords would sound messy.

Third, you should because it's main competitors already can.. super six and matriarch both rachet. Just one more in-between note would be huge for us and would compete better with the others.. another reason to go for this over the competition. I don't know about the programming but if you can squeeze even one note of rachet in, it would be really huge, prophet 6 is to good a synth to not have it, nomatter what comes from you guys in the future.. This synth is special, history bring created again I believe.. please, please, think about it!! No confusing ui, it makes sense. A killer feature too.
ok that's cool.


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #64 on: May 01, 2020, 04:45:53 AM »
On another forum they said it's not possible to add the reverb.

There was no indication of that when I asked just the other day.

"I don't expect that the Super Plate would be ported back to the Prophet 6/OB-6, but it's been requested before and is on our list of user feature requests."
From a sequential employee named on another forum:
"No, the super plate reverb will not be back ported to the Prophet 6 and OB-6."
Sorry man...


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #65 on: May 01, 2020, 02:05:39 AM »
Quote from: GS thread
Kja - I threw it out there hoping that one of the guys from sequential would weigh in on it is possible.. I'm definitely not the first guy to say that they want this in a update... I'm still hoping..
cbmd (Carson) - No, the super plate reverb will not be back ported to the Prophet 6 and OB-6.

At this point in their life cycle, I already get it's almost certainly not going to happen given Sequential's modus operandi. Perhaps Dr. Henry "Kazoo" Pym, aka the programmer at Sequential, can give a definitive answer as to whether it's technically possible or not...

How many extra would we sell? I can't imagine we'd sell any just because of this feature honestly, and we already have it working on new products so it wouldn't give us technology we didn't already have. As an economical decision it makes very little sense.

There's certainly no shortage of users that bemoan Sequential's comparative lack in the update department. The addition of any one feature per se might not culminate in direct sales, yet it's certainly something that's highly appreciated by potentially repeat customers. That said, many of us are aware of what happened in '87 and we want the best for Sequential's sustained longevity.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 02:59:27 AM by A Thousand Eyes »


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Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #66 on: May 01, 2020, 03:11:14 AM »
No, that uses more processor power, it isn't possible for us to port back without doing a large rewrite of the DSP to get processor time back. Won't happen on this product

You will likely see an update enabling MPE on the older instruments and that will likely be the final update for some of them

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make). I'm using it for something of a test bed for future products. Not all my ideas will be released (have some in test OSes right now that are freaking neat but may not fit with our aesthetic) but there is a lot being done

Quote from: GS thread
Kja - I threw it out there hoping that one of the guys from sequential would weigh in on it is possible.. I'm definitely not the first guy to say that they want this in a update... I'm still hoping..
cbmd (Carson) - No, the super plate reverb will not be back ported to the Prophet 6 and OB-6.

At this point in their life cycle, I already get it's almost certainly not going to happen given Sequential's modus operandi. Perhaps Dr. Henry "Kazoo" Pym, aka the programmer at Sequential, can give a definitive answer as to whether it's technically possible or not...

How many extra would we sell? I can't imagine we'd sell any just because of this feature honestly, and we already have it working on new products so it wouldn't give us technology we didn't already have. As an economical decision it makes very little sense.

There's certainly no shortage of users that bemoan Sequential's comparative lack in the update department. The addition of any one feature per se might not culminate in direct sales, yet it's certainly something that's highly appreciated by potentially repeat customers. That said, many of us are aware of what happened in '87 and we want the best for Sequential's sustained longevity.

Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2020, 10:10:44 AM »

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #68 on: May 03, 2020, 11:15:25 AM »

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth

As in being able to import your own wavetables? I mean Dave said they weren't really looking into that but even the interviewer was like "Come on, please." and Dave responded with a "maybe."

Personally I think it would be a slight oversight to not implement this. The Pro 3 is still fantastic but the idea of having a factory wavetable be of someone saying "SEQUENTIAL" and not being able to do the same with my own name or something would be a tad annoying.

I have faith we will see it though, not sure how it can be implemented but I think it's the number one request from the Pro 3 and with Novation launching their fantastic wavetable software for the Peak/Summit, I'm assuming it's something Dave and co are looking into quite a bit now in addition to their new synth.


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Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #69 on: May 04, 2020, 02:59:52 PM »
No, wouldn't allow you to swap them out. Those will stay fixed. But doesn't mean we aren't looking into something better, just stay tuned

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #70 on: May 07, 2020, 07:03:18 PM »
No, wouldn't allow you to swap them out. Those will stay fixed. But doesn't mean we aren't looking into something better, just stay tuned

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth
I'm almost sure the answer is no, but could you add in the next update for prophet 6 the ability to decide how many voices we can pitch bend? Just like how we decide how many voices we can use in unison?


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Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #71 on: May 08, 2020, 03:40:15 AM »
That's pretty much what MPE is, but you'll need an MPE controller or MPE enabled DAW to make use of it

No, wouldn't allow you to swap them out. Those will stay fixed. But doesn't mean we aren't looking into something better, just stay tuned

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth
I'm almost sure the answer is no, but could you add in the next update for prophet 6 the ability to decide how many voices we can pitch bend? Just like how we decide how many voices we can use in unison?


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #72 on: May 08, 2020, 08:37:02 AM »
That's pretty much what MPE is, but you'll need an MPE controller or MPE enabled DAW to make use of it

No, wouldn't allow you to swap them out. Those will stay fixed. But doesn't mean we aren't looking into something better, just stay tuned

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth
I'm almost sure the answer is no, but could you add in the next update for prophet 6 the ability to decide how many voices we can pitch bend? Just like how we decide how many voices we can use in unison?
I know and I appreciate it, but I don't mess with that stuff.. I just wish I could hold down the pitch wheel button and choose how many voices get pitched. Would that be really hard to add?


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Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #73 on: May 10, 2020, 02:04:19 AM »
Yes, it is that hard to add

You have no control over which keys play which voice, so how would you know which held keys to pitch bend? No way to do this. You can do this in our other synths by having a split point, then you can pitchbend notes above the split point but not below. There isn't really any other good way of doing it

That's pretty much what MPE is, but you'll need an MPE controller or MPE enabled DAW to make use of it

No, wouldn't allow you to swap them out. Those will stay fixed. But doesn't mean we aren't looking into something better, just stay tuned

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth
I'm almost sure the answer is no, but could you add in the next update for prophet 6 the ability to decide how many voices we can pitch bend? Just like how we decide how many voices we can use in unison?
I know and I appreciate it, but I don't mess with that stuff.. I just wish I could hold down the pitch wheel button and choose how many voices get pitched. Would that be really hard to add?


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #74 on: May 10, 2020, 07:43:25 AM »
Yes, it is that hard to add

You have no control over which keys play which voice, so how would you know which held keys to pitch bend? No way to do this. You can do this in our other synths by having a split point, then you can pitchbend notes above the split point but not below. There isn't really any other good way of doing it

That's pretty much what MPE is, but you'll need an MPE controller or MPE enabled DAW to make use of it

No, wouldn't allow you to swap them out. Those will stay fixed. But doesn't mean we aren't looking into something better, just stay tuned

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth
I'm almost sure the answer is no, but could you add in the next update for prophet 6 the ability to decide how many voices we can pitch bend? Just like how we decide how many voices we can use in unison?
I know and I appreciate it, but I don't mess with that stuff.. I just wish I could hold down the pitch wheel button and choose how many voices get pitched. Would that be really hard to add?

Is there any way that a polyphonic sequence can be transposed on the fly without the need to hold down the recording button? I know you've implemented this in Unison mode but is there a way that one can press play on a polyphonic sequence and then press record afterwards and give you the ability to transpose a polyphonic sequence on the fly?

Also will this type sequencer transpose be implemented on the Prophet X or Rev 2? Unison mode or otherwise? I know that you can transpose sequences by holding down record but it would be nice (especially in split mode) where a bass sequence can be transposed with the left hand while you play a lead or pad with the right. It would be a helpful performance feature.


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Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #75 on: May 10, 2020, 12:31:13 PM »
The feature isn't too difficult obviously, it's the UI. Every way I could think of that felt 'simple' meant an existing feature and workflow was crippled in a way that would have messed with some users. It's a difficult balance.

Now that I have double tap working I was thinking maybe double tap hold puts you into a transpose mode, or something like that, but we typically try to avoid modal behavior in the UI if we can

I'll keep thinking about it

Yes, it is that hard to add

You have no control over which keys play which voice, so how would you know which held keys to pitch bend? No way to do this. You can do this in our other synths by having a split point, then you can pitchbend notes above the split point but not below. There isn't really any other good way of doing it

That's pretty much what MPE is, but you'll need an MPE controller or MPE enabled DAW to make use of it

No, wouldn't allow you to swap them out. Those will stay fixed. But doesn't mean we aren't looking into something better, just stay tuned

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth
I'm almost sure the answer is no, but could you add in the next update for prophet 6 the ability to decide how many voices we can pitch bend? Just like how we decide how many voices we can use in unison?
I know and I appreciate it, but I don't mess with that stuff.. I just wish I could hold down the pitch wheel button and choose how many voices get pitched. Would that be really hard to add?

Is there any way that a polyphonic sequence can be transposed on the fly without the need to hold down the recording button? I know you've implemented this in Unison mode but is there a way that one can press play on a polyphonic sequence and then press record afterwards and give you the ability to transpose a polyphonic sequence on the fly?

Also will this type sequencer transpose be implemented on the Prophet X or Rev 2? Unison mode or otherwise? I know that you can transpose sequences by holding down record but it would be nice (especially in split mode) where a bass sequence can be transposed with the left hand while you play a lead or pad with the right. It would be a helpful performance feature.


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #76 on: May 10, 2020, 02:55:48 PM »
The feature isn't too difficult obviously, it's the UI. Every way I could think of that felt 'simple' meant an existing feature and workflow was crippled in a way that would have messed with some users. It's a difficult balance.

Now that I have double tap working I was thinking maybe double tap hold puts you into a transpose mode, or something like that, but we typically try to avoid modal behavior in the UI if we can

I'll keep thinking about it

Yes, it is that hard to add

You have no control over which keys play which voice, so how would you know which held keys to pitch bend? No way to do this. You can do this in our other synths by having a split point, then you can pitchbend notes above the split point but not below. There isn't really any other good way of doing it

That's pretty much what MPE is, but you'll need an MPE controller or MPE enabled DAW to make use of it

No, wouldn't allow you to swap them out. Those will stay fixed. But doesn't mean we aren't looking into something better, just stay tuned

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth
I'm almost sure the answer is no, but could you add in the next update for prophet 6 the ability to decide how many voices we can pitch bend? Just like how we decide how many voices we can use in unison?
I know and I appreciate it, but I don't mess with that stuff.. I just wish I could hold down the pitch wheel button and choose how many voices get pitched. Would that be really hard to add?

Is there any way that a polyphonic sequence can be transposed on the fly without the need to hold down the recording button? I know you've implemented this in Unison mode but is there a way that one can press play on a polyphonic sequence and then press record afterwards and give you the ability to transpose a polyphonic sequence on the fly?

Also will this type sequencer transpose be implemented on the Prophet X or Rev 2? Unison mode or otherwise? I know that you can transpose sequences by holding down record but it would be nice (especially in split mode) where a bass sequence can be transposed with the left hand while you play a lead or pad with the right. It would be a helpful performance feature.

Since one has to hold down the record button anyway in order to transpose the sequence. Would it not be possible to simple just press REC once while the sequence is playing and have it light up indicating "Transpose" mode is active and then press REC again while the sequence is playing to come out of it? This way the original functionality of the sequencer remains intact and "Transpose Mode" only engaging when the REC button is pressed during playback...which it has to be anyway if one wants to transpose the sequence. In essence you would simply be latching the REC button's functionality that was already present. Would this be problematic?


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #77 on: May 10, 2020, 03:28:54 PM »
Yes, it is that hard to add

You have no control over which keys play which voice, so how would you know which held keys to pitch bend? No way to do this. You can do this in our other synths by having a split point, then you can pitchbend notes above the split point but not below. There isn't really any other good way of doing it

That's pretty much what MPE is, but you'll need an MPE controller or MPE enabled DAW to make use of it

No, wouldn't allow you to swap them out. Those will stay fixed. But doesn't mean we aren't looking into something better, just stay tuned

You'll also see some pretty major feature improvements to the Pro3 because I have a lot more flexibility there both on the processor and in the UI (I left some things blank on purpose for additional features I wanted to make).

Just curious and NOT complaining, actually very satisfied - but - could those improvements include swapping out the osc3 wavetables?

Thanks, I love this synth
I'm almost sure the answer is no, but could you add in the next update for prophet 6 the ability to decide how many voices we can pitch bend? Just like how we decide how many voices we can use in unison?
I know and I appreciate it, but I don't mess with that stuff.. I just wish I could hold down the pitch wheel button and choose how many voices get pitched. Would that be really hard to add?
I mean like if you set it to three, then the first three notes you play in a chord are pitch bent, if you let the cord go it resets, if you play one note only it will pitch bend,  if you play a chord with one hand and hold it down and play two more with another hand them only the first three notes of the first chord pitch bend. It would work like that.


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #78 on: May 12, 2020, 11:33:30 AM »
In the latest sequential video they explain how to make the mod wheel to cutoff.. I feel really dumb I didn't think of this trick but it works!! So go to town you guys!! You finally got what you have been wanting!!


Re: No analogue controls for analogue filter or oscillators
« Reply #79 on: May 12, 2020, 12:17:31 PM »
In the latest sequential video they explain how to make the mod wheel to cutoff.. I feel really dumb I didn't think of this trick but it works!! So go to town you guys!! You finally got what you have been wanting!!

The only issue is you have to turn the clock down which would be completely useless if you are syncing to an external clock.