This has been a constant battle with analog gear from the beginning. If you have detented encoders/pots you have the advantage of quickly recalling specific values. If you leave it unquantized the movements feel more smooth.
Dave made a decision a LONG time ago to do pitched values on the filter parameter on the Evolvers. That has carried through all our instruments. It allows you to pitch the resonance of the filter to fixed note values, which is a useful tool in many situations. It also allows you to track it to the notes you are playing, again, very useful. To that end, we need 0-164 steps on the parameter to cover the entire note range the filter is capable of. Each of those values represents a semi-tone.
0-164 is already on the upper end of the viability of the combination of the physical pots and the ADCs that we were using to recall the information cleanly. You may see things like '12 bit ADC' but in reality that isn't close to what you get, 0-255 is pushing it. Not to mention the fact that as you turn, small movements will jump past the edge of those values and it becomes difficult to jump back to the position you want as the resolution increases.
So the cutoff parameter itself is only 0-164... but the LFOs are running at quite a bit higher resolution, so when the LFO controls the parameter we don't have the limitation of the semi-tones and can do it smoothly. This is not the case with the mod wheel, or even the incoming CVs on the pedals, so we quantize to the param values in those cases, with the same tradeoffs as mentioned above.
But, you may say, if you have access to increased resolution internally, why doesn't it sound smooth when you move the pot?
Actually, it does... there is a small amount of slew being applied to the param changes so it doesn't jump immediately. If we remove that, you get nasty clicks when changing parameters too quickly. This is also a tradeoff. The more slew we put on the parameter, the slower it transitions... which means if you send a MIDI message, or even a CV, you start to get latency as you move the param. So we're back to the same problem, you could increase the slew and make it smoother for people doing sweeps, but for people doing jumps (and that includes ANY mod that affects the filter on a new note on event, like key tracked filters) you will get a small jump. Determining which one the user expected is pretty difficult and since one of the most common complaints of older instruments is the snappiness of the envelopes, we decided it was better to err on the side of quick and accurate.
That being said...
The Pro3 now has a greatly expanded parameter range for the cutoff, so you will not hear as much stepping. We have also solved some of the problems, hardware, software and design based and although it increases the cost of the hardware, and thus the instrument, we will likely be using this to improve the smooth response of instruments in the future. In fact, I rewrote the entire mod and sequencer section to handle a 14 bit range in ALL parameter modulation cases, so the future is bright!
Everything is a trade off