I notice that on some modes like on "show system information" (press both shifts and system to get to it) the noise is gone.
The screen is mostly black-out so my guess is the acoustic noise is because of the "fat" turquoise upper and lower raw with the inverted fonts.
If a programmer will ever chime in and upgrade the tempest OS (and read this in part of his resource work) please invert the colored raw to black on every mode. I think it will also look nicer.
Interesting thing is (please test it yourself), it seems the noise from the screen is bleeding to the main audio output.
On "show system information" the self noise floor on the main audio output is lower for about -6dBs on my system!!
I checked it with an analyzer and it seems there is a drastic lower noise from about 10kHz and up on this mode.
You can still press play so if you want to record with the highest SNR get to this mode before recording
BTW, my mixes sucks