Hey guys,
A very happy Prophet 6 user here, but I just wanted to throw out my impressions of this keyboard just based solely on looks.
It looks great overall, but a few things gnaw at me because I am ocd about stuff...
The walnut finish, imo, is not that impressive. I have $5000 guitars and a $2800 guitar will still have a kick-ass finish. The walnut sides were dull; almost lifeless. It's a little abrasive when sliding against the grain. It didn't have the luster I was expecting for the price. Even a satin clear poly finish would have been stellar. Smooth and rich feeling.
Another thing that bugs me is the lack of a buffer space between the last high key and the wood panel. To me a well designed and balanced keyboard should incorporate a metal plate about the size of another key before the walnut panel on the right side, like many classic synths have. It just looks funny to me when the keys suddenly "drop off" and there's the panel. Plus, when you're standing over the keyboard, you use the side panels as temporary hand rests, and I'm always catching my palm sliding onto the high key.
I would find a use for having the option to swap out certain knobs for slightly larger knobs to give the layout a slightly more dynamic feel, like, for example, on all the oscillator frequency knobs, and the envelope amount knob in the amplifier envelope section. Just like you change the knobs on a guitar to give you the feel you want for performing.
It would have made my day if there were little red led lights on the markers on top of each knob so you can see where your settings are in low light situations.
Again, I'm just nitpicking here, but I don't see much point in keeping it if/when I have to make room for something better.