I just wanted to say, I am loving this machine. I know there is a lot of sentiment out there along the lines of the Prophet filters being gimmicky and about Pioneer cashing in on a famous name, but I don't think that at all. I'm not into the big, overdone EDM filter sweeps that this addition may have been intended for, but crank the drive up about halfway or so and you'll be amazed at the difference it makes to the sound of the master output of this machine. I'd put this right up there with the Rytm and the Spectralis as one of the best sounding modern samplers money can buy. It'll be even more useful if we can get an LFO and envelope routed to the DSI filter. Really hoping they add more synthesis capabilities with this machine. With this and my Tempest, I can get lost for hours.
What I guess I'm trying to say, great job DSI, for getting involved in this project with Pioneer. A lot of snarky comments have been made about it online, but your contribution to this sampler is huge. It's getting more capable with each update but I think the sound of it is what makes this machine a future classic.