AGAIN, you should've read into this stuff BEFORE buying a 2k drumsynth. My 2 cents... If you are pulling hairs, you've got only one person to blame, because every tiny bit of info, even the most obscure bugs, have been available on the net for this instrument for years. (it's why I didn't buy it until this year.)
You buy an instrument because it does what you need it to do. Buying something because it seems cool and diving deep into its functions after the fact, is at your own risk.
Yes it's a bummer, and yeah, out of all people you'd expect.... , but it's not like that, so there's that...
Having said that, I've incorporated the Tempest into my Liveset and it works perfectly. Sometimes you need to find workarounds when the perfect situation isn't possible.
- Sequenced sounds/pads don't send midi.
- externally triggering of pads possible over 1 channel
- 1 pad on 1 channel can receive poly midi notes
- 1 pad on 1 different channel can send poly notes manually played on the T.
Go through system menu, read manual. All will be clear