Great vid!
I wish you,d do one about how the mod matrix can be used like where you use it to change the envelope, I mean I use it but it's just blindly testing going for a lucky outcome, I'd love to know the actual effect like you know it the exact way the envelopes are rehaped!
Where did you learn the nuances of the mod matrix Adam is there a guide?
Thanks! Besides what's in the Tempest manual, I don't think anyone has made a guide yet. Might be a project worth doing.
All I've done really is read what was in the manual, and then I experimented with the envelopes a lot more to hear what they do. A good way to become familiar with them is to just have Osc 1 loaded up with a steady sawtooth tone, and use Amp Envelope to modulate Amp Decay and record the output when you set the amount to different values. Compare the shape of the volume curves and see what you notice.
For the sound in the clap video I had an educated guess as to how the envelope is bending, and then I just experiment with the values until I found the right one. In this case, I had a Roland 808 Clap sample I was comparing my sound to, which made it kind of easy to adjust the settings until I heard the results I needed.