Hi dmcauley,
The following is a quote from Carson Day in an e-mail exchange we had a while back:
"The VS waveforms start on sample "Sine" (sample number369) and continue to the end of the list."
Those VS waveforms are AFAIK considered kind of a bonus feature by DSI and were not created specifically for the Tempest. Of course they sound different on the Tempest than on, say for example, the DSI Evolver.
As for the other samples, some of them are labelled pretty clearly, but some of them are left ambiguous (I assume for a reason), so it might not be possible to know for certain where all of them come from, but I'm sure there are some people who can make some pretty good guesses.
Page iv in the manual tells you who the samples came from

Page iv from the DSI Tempest manual:
For their samples, thanks to:
Angus Hewlett/FXpansion
Audio samples © 2007 FXpansion Audio UK Ltd. Used with permission.
www.fxpansion.comHugo Tichborne/Goldbaby
www.goldbaby.co.nzHaptic Audio
I hope that helps!