Sacred Synthesis and LoboLives are definitely the Yin and Yang or Heaven and Hell of this thread. Their styles and themes are so different. LoboLives, you must have grown up watching all those Saturday night horror flicks. I didn’t get to see your last one as YouTube pulled it. It is fun hearing such a diverse collection. Being that it is bedtime here I think I’ll listen to some Sacred Synthesis as it is less likely to induce nightmares! 
Although I know this is said in jest, I'm quite happy to read it.
Let me say something strange. When I was about twenty years old, I spent a long late night trying as best I could to imitate to cries and moans of hell with synthesizers, reverb, and a large loud PA system. Controversial for this forum, I realize, but so be it. The effort was related to a very dark song I had written. I dare say, I did as well as a synthesist could with the imitation. Later that night - or morning, actually - I had an experience that scared the living daylights out of me. Laugh if you want, but you weren't there.
I have no doubt that evil can be attained through art. If you give yourself to exceedingly dark music, you can arrive some place or meet something that you didn't intend to. Sometimes intentions don't matter. Hence, I will not approach exceedingly dark music, nor will I produce it. Perhaps some of my music could be forced into such a category, but it just isn't the case. I would admit that I'm inclined towards the somber and introspective; that's an admission of a personality. Sad? Yes, at times. But dark? No, never.
It's only one opinion on a synthesizer forum, and you can all laugh at the religious fanatic. Regardless, I would warn anyone and everyone to beware of exceedingly dark music.