Analog Rytm mkII lays down the main beat with a cool sample played back with echo.
2 Tracks of Prophet-6 goodness and last night I added a track of Prophet X goodness. Only a touch of EQ on one Prophet-6 track, but other than that the synth were printed to the DAW straight.
Lots of guitar. (don't hold it against me (they're a bit out of tune too))
I took horrible notes, but after 30 minutes of searching for what preset I used from the Prophet X, I think it was a tweaked F3 P114 Sinwave Memories.
If you make it to the end, you'll hear the Prophet X Sinewave Memories taking me into that Pink Floyd zone - although I'm no Gilmour (it's the tape loop/string machine sounding bit from the Prophet X that threw me into it).