Track 1 Notes behavior ambiguous in Paraphonic Sequences: (specifically Note: Off disables Key Play Source)
1) Start with F5 P94 Ethereal Choir
2) Enable Sequencer
3) Seq Misc enable Paraphonic
4) Record a paraphonic sequence... listen... mmmm wonderful. :-)
5) Set Sequencer Play Source to Key
6) Move the pitch of your chord sequence by pressing different keys. Sweet!
7) Imagine you want to continue playing manually but you'd like the sequencer to continue modulating from other tracks

Select Track 1. It's the only Paraphonic Track with Notes option.
9) Set Notes to Off
10) The Sequencer is no longer gated by key presses. Why? I've only told the Sequencer to not trigger Notes, I didn't tell it to stop running altogether
11) Set Sequencer to Play Source = Sequence. The sequencer continues and interpretts Track 1 Note Off to mean "don't play any notes" and the Sequences works as expected (sorta)
Initially I thought it was playing paraphonically, but the release envelopes are so long that I think it was an illusion. The paraphonic behavior seems random to me. I'll detail that more later.
The focus of this issue would be why does the Sequence stop when Play Mode = Key and Track 1 is set to Notes: Off? That's ambiguous to me.