« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2017, 05:31:20 AM »
Ok, so now I succeeded in recording four note chords into the Paraphonic Mode Sequencer, thanks a lot.
But what I wanted to do was to record a monophonic melody line tied to each of four oscillators, making a sort of like a four-part multitimbral recording/playback. Of course this can be done with previous PRO2 sequencer mode by setting oscillator pitch differential values from the originally set pitch to the designated note pitch. But that's pretty hard to program, so I wished if I could input Note Names by playing keyboard instead of setting differential numbers by knobs to each of four tracks each tied with each of four oscillators.
Is this still not possible?
Hi NemoSynth. The new Paraphonic Recording mode will make it easier to do what you're wanting to do, if I understand your goal correctly. Are you familiar with the functionality that existed previously with only track one ("notes" track), where you hold the step button for a given step and press a key to enter the note for that step? Well, now with the sequencer set to paraphonic, you can do this on tracks one though four, instead of only track one, with track one corresponding to oscillator one, track two corresponding to oscillator two, and so forth.
So, you can't record a separate monophonic melody for each oscillator using the RECORD button in the new Paraphonic recording mode, but you can do this much more efficiently than you were able to previously with the method listed above. I hope this helps!
Hey, thanks extempo! And sorry for my broken English, as I'm not a native English speaker.
I'll try your method this evening.
Yes, I was aware that each of the first four tracks were tied to corresponding numbered oscillators, but I was always using the Record button to input the notes. I wasn't aware of holding the Step button and hit the key method. Ok, I see more lights now
Can't wait to try it out tonight.
YES!! I got the Paraphonic Sequencer play in four part quasi-multitimbral manner!! Thanks so much!!!! This is a great new feature!!!!

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