How does it work as far as behavior goes? Compared to the global pot mode settings, is the expression pedal for filter cutuff control relative, passthru, or jump?
From the manual's Received Controller Messages appendix:
Brightness: Added to filter cutoff frequency
Thanks for trying to answer, but I'm referring to the filter expression pedal jack on the back of the synth...not a midi controller(sorry if I wasn't clear).
An expression pedal is essentially a pot with a pedal question still stands. What behavior is the pot in the filter expression pedal treated like? Is it like the global settings for the pots on the synth itself(relative, passthru, or jump)....since there's no global options on the settings for the filter expression pedal jack I would think the behavior would have to be one of the three.
For example, say you switch patches and your filter cutoff is almost wide open on the next patch but the expression pedal's travel is set as it would be if the filter cutoff were closed....does the OB6 reflect the patch settings for the filter, or where the travel expression pedal/pot is?
And if it is where the patch settings are, how does the synth treat the pot behavior? Does the filter change when the travel of the expression pedal "catches up" to the settings of the filter cutoff in the patch like "pass thru" mode on the global pot settings?