I was wondering if it would be possible for DSI to just make a "box" with like 6 voices of the P6 in order to extend the polyphony of the p6.
Just a polychain box with no controller, just the 6 voices. It would be way cheaper than having to buy a P6 desktop, and also much more compact (could be in a 19" rack house maybe).
What do you think ?
I would imagine it wouldn't be to hard to develop and not very pricey. But maybe I'm missing a crucial tecnical point.
I'm also sure it would appeal to many p6 owner if say the price is under 1000. I love the p6 but sometimes the 6 voices polyphony is limiting.

Thing is - how many people would buy a unit that has no user interface? A (non-free) bundled copy of SoundTower would be required for editing.
Unlike the Prophet-12 (whose desktop equivalent is significantly cheaper due to a reduced set of controls), there's no menu-based UI for the Prophet-6 or OB-6, so one would have to design a new basic user interface, simply to indicate that the unit is powered on, and set to receive a particular program number.
New software would also be required to identify the slave units from a MIDI sysex perspective.
A new chassis would also be required, in addition to the current desktop.
A new power supply design would be required, external or internal.
Ultimately, though, I think that the idea is a non-starter, no matter how well-intentioned it might be in terms of cost and space. The Prophet Rev2 identifies a sensible approach as to voice expansion, though it must be planned for within the initial design.