Next New Sequential Instrument


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1340 on: August 28, 2020, 04:44:38 PM »
I wonder...with Polyphonic aftertouch becoming prevalent on keyboards (HydraSynth, Osmose) it would be absolutely wild if Sequential partnered up with Expressive E and offer a Polyphonic keyboard with a VCO based synth. Almost a Prophet T8 successor.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1341 on: August 28, 2020, 06:13:49 PM »
What is "a different kind of musician" anyway?
Obviously the biggest market now are the DAW crowd, and selling software is a hell of a lot easier than shipping hardware. The prophet would be huge compared to their existing range. Even if it is a modeling synth in a tiny DSP filled box, I'd like to have one just to see their take on it, and it'd probably have infinite mod slots too, given how they're going now. Imagine Sequential, unshackled from VCOs DCOs VCthis&that.
OB-6  Prophet-6  Prophet.Rev2/16  no kids


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1342 on: August 28, 2020, 08:10:35 PM »
Would absolutely love a Sequential stand-alone sequencer. 10 tracks. 32 note polyphony per track. Midi. Cv. Song mode. Why not?


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1343 on: August 29, 2020, 07:34:27 AM »
My guess has started to lean towards a stand-alone sequencer as well based on the Pro-3.

Fits the “different kind of musician” statement. The more simple design as it is based on work they’re currently fresh on and there would be no sound engine.

For a while I was stuck on the “my gift to you” meaning Dave would finally do a reissue - my desire was a Poly Evolver Rev2 - but I’ve decided that was an unintentional decoy and just a statement for his birthday.

This guess also jives with some hinted at sequencer work Pym has done on the Pro-3.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2020, 07:39:40 AM by blewis »

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1344 on: August 29, 2020, 08:14:34 AM »
My guess has started to lean towards a stand-alone sequencer as well based on the Pro-3.

Fits the “different kind of musician” statement. The more simple design as it is based on work they’re currently fresh on and there would be no sound engine.

For a while I was stuck on the “my gift to you” meaning Dave would finally do a reissue - my desire was a Poly Evolver Rev2 - but I’ve decided that was an unintentional decoy and just a statement for his birthday.

This guess also jives with some hinted at sequencer work Pym has done on the Pro-3.

A different “kind of musician” could mean lots of things. Could mean someone who doesn’t use/need the deep sequencing and modulation abilities of the pro 3 and who wants to simply play the keyboard like a pianist, with polyphony as opposed to monophony. A synth not having the complex sequencer would also be “easier to design”. Pym also mentioned pianists in his recent posts. I’m biased though as I really want to get a five-octave vco poly. I’m having to stop myself from going out and buying a Summit in the hope that the next Sequential product will be what I’m after. 


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1345 on: August 29, 2020, 08:46:36 AM »
My guess has started to lean towards a stand-alone sequencer as well based on the Pro-3.

Fits the “different kind of musician” statement. The more simple design as it is based on work they’re currently fresh on and there would be no sound engine.

For a while I was stuck on the “my gift to you” meaning Dave would finally do a reissue - my desire was a Poly Evolver Rev2 - but I’ve decided that was an unintentional decoy and just a statement for his birthday.

This guess also jives with some hinted at sequencer work Pym has done on the Pro-3.

"My gift to you."

A dual keyboard Prophet 10 successor?  LOL


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1346 on: August 29, 2020, 08:48:27 AM »
My guess has started to lean towards a stand-alone sequencer as well based on the Pro-3.

Fits the “different kind of musician” statement. The more simple design as it is based on work they’re currently fresh on and there would be no sound engine.

For a while I was stuck on the “my gift to you” meaning Dave would finally do a reissue - my desire was a Poly Evolver Rev2 - but I’ve decided that was an unintentional decoy and just a statement for his birthday.

This guess also jives with some hinted at sequencer work Pym has done on the Pro-3.

A different “kind of musician” could mean lots of things. Could mean someone who doesn’t use/need the deep sequencing and modulation abilities of the pro 3 and who wants to simply play the keyboard like a pianist, with polyphony as opposed to monophony. A synth not having the complex sequencer would also be “easier to design”. Pym also mentioned pianists in his recent posts. I’m biased though as I really want to get a five-octave vco poly. I’m having to stop myself from going out and buying a Summit in the hope that the next Sequential product will be what I’m after.

That's why I'm thinking it might be a polyphonic aftertouch VCO based synth. The actual architecture of the synthesis engine wouldn't be much different compared to that of a Prophet 6...perhaps with splits and layers but with a polyphonic aftertouch keybed attached to it, it would certainly turn a lot of heads.


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1347 on: August 29, 2020, 08:49:37 AM »
My guess has started to lean towards a stand-alone sequencer as well based on the Pro-3.

Fits the “different kind of musician” statement. The more simple design as it is based on work they’re currently fresh on and there would be no sound engine.

For a while I was stuck on the “my gift to you” meaning Dave would finally do a reissue - my desire was a Poly Evolver Rev2 - but I’ve decided that was an unintentional decoy and just a statement for his birthday.

This guess also jives with some hinted at sequencer work Pym has done on the Pro-3.

Preferably with polyphonic tracks rather than monophonic tracks hopefully but I really do hope Sequential do a standalone sequencer. Sort of a successor to their old Programmers or even their Studio 440 (which was a drum machine/multitrack sequencer)

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1348 on: August 29, 2020, 03:09:28 PM »
My guess has started to lean towards a stand-alone sequencer as well based on the Pro-3.

Fits the “different kind of musician” statement. The more simple design as it is based on work they’re currently fresh on and there would be no sound engine.

For a while I was stuck on the “my gift to you” meaning Dave would finally do a reissue - my desire was a Poly Evolver Rev2 - but I’ve decided that was an unintentional decoy and just a statement for his birthday.

This guess also jives with some hinted at sequencer work Pym has done on the Pro-3.

"My gift to you."

A dual keyboard Prophet 10 successor?  LOL

I was just about to say that.  No, that couldn't happen, because it would mean that this was paradise.


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1349 on: August 29, 2020, 04:28:57 PM »
My guess has started to lean towards a stand-alone sequencer as well based on the Pro-3.

Fits the “different kind of musician” statement. The more simple design as it is based on work they’re currently fresh on and there would be no sound engine.

For a while I was stuck on the “my gift to you” meaning Dave would finally do a reissue - my desire was a Poly Evolver Rev2 - but I’ve decided that was an unintentional decoy and just a statement for his birthday.

This guess also jives with some hinted at sequencer work Pym has done on the Pro-3.

"My gift to you."

A dual keyboard Prophet 10 successor?  LOL

I was just about to say that.  No, that couldn't happen, because it would mean that this was paradise.

I mean it’s something that is lacking in the Sequential catalog. A monster VCO synth. Two Prophet 6 engines together. Side by side with an optional lower keybed and both keybed have Polyphonic aftertouch. Maybe even an MPE ribbon controller inspired by Roger Linn’s Linnstrument. That certainly would turn heads and likely even make Moog One owners green with envy.

Plus the optional lower tier (sold separately) also allows Sequential to provide a Polyphonic aftertouch controller as they can tap into that market if they want to.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1350 on: August 29, 2020, 04:46:37 PM »
What if they throw all of your ideas in one machine and build the long awaited Kronos killer workstation with completely analog synth engines (not only the filter like the Fantom) and the technique of the Prophet X for sampling and digital stuff? The sequencer of the Pro 3?

I would love such a concept... even if this would make half of my live setup obsolete.

If I think what I really need of a new workstation I come to only a few things:

1. I need at least 16 parts/voices/patches on different midi channels in a combi/setup/performance/song... how ever you call these things. I think you know what I want to say...

2. I want to assing every part a specific type like analog synth, sample (for natural strings, brass, etc. ... ), or digital synth sounds like fm stuff, etc. ...

3. A high polyphony in the digital part (at least 256 voices) because I layer a lot

4. A medium count of analog voices like 32 to be able to (for examples) layer a pad with a bell-like sound and still play a lead sound over this - available voices dynamically shared over all analog patches playing at the moment.

5. Powerfull midi setup, for doing internal midi routing "per Combi/Setup/Performance/Song"... to work with external gear. And do such things, like route for only one specific song an external keyboard A to an external sound engine B, both connected per Midi to the workstation. In other words: make it have an internal midi router like an iConnectivity mio10 or something and store the setup PER COMBI! This is (in my opionion) what all workstations of today are lacking. The Kronos is great for controlling other gear... and great for being controlled by other gear. But it lacks the feature of routing connected gear among themselves. That would simplify my setup a lot. Dave invented this midi stuff... if any corporation can do this, then it has to be Sequential.

6. Powerful sequencer, for a) backing tracks and b) step-sequencer-like stuff like drum patterns and repeating melodies, etc. ... an arpeggiator would be nice, too.

7. A powerful effects engine with at least 2 effects per part in a combi (so it should be 32 over all), 4 master effects (routable per send and return) and 2 total effects (fixed kind of master effect).

8. At least 3 pairs of balanced stereo outputs, 2 pairs of stereo inputs, and a lot of internal routing possibilities like in a digital mixing console (Kronos does this pretty well, with effects busses and recording busses, etc. ).

9. A lot of analog controls and additionally a really big responsive touchscreen like an iPad Pro.

10. A Fatar keybed like the Moog One's for a 61 key version. And an 88 key version with weighted wooden keys for people who need a stage piano.

11. Some performance helpers, like scene buttons... sounds not cutting of, when switching to the next combi... etc. ...

12. Everything that was achieved in the workstation area until today... I don't want to go back. I can't name everything out of my head, but you know what I mean.

I don't know, if I forgot something important, but that already seems to be a lot... I have no clue how much such a thing would cost, but I would be willing to pay it if it is, what I had in my head, at the moment of writing. Could also be it's too late at night in Europe now and 5-6 german "Keller" beer made me talk nonesense... ;-)
Prophet Rev2, Moog Matriarch, Novation Peak, Arturia DrumBrute Impact, Korg Kronos 2 88, Kurzweil PC 361, Yamaha S90ES


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1351 on: August 29, 2020, 06:46:45 PM »
What if they throw all of your ideas in one machine and build the long awaited Kronos killer workstation with completely analog synth engines (not only the filter like the Fantom) and the technique of the Prophet X for sampling and digital stuff? The sequencer of the Pro 3?

I would love such a concept... even if this would make half of my live setup obsolete.

If I think what I really need of a new workstation I come to only a few things:

1. I need at least 16 parts/voices/patches on different midi channels in a combi/setup/performance/song... how ever you call these things. I think you know what I want to say...

2. I want to assing every part a specific type like analog synth, sample (for natural strings, brass, etc. ... ), or digital synth sounds like fm stuff, etc. ...

3. A high polyphony in the digital part (at least 256 voices) because I layer a lot

4. A medium count of analog voices like 32 to be able to (for examples) layer a pad with a bell-like sound and still play a lead sound over this - available voices dynamically shared over all analog patches playing at the moment.

5. Powerfull midi setup, for doing internal midi routing "per Combi/Setup/Performance/Song"... to work with external gear. And do such things, like route for only one specific song an external keyboard A to an external sound engine B, both connected per Midi to the workstation. In other words: make it have an internal midi router like an iConnectivity mio10 or something and store the setup PER COMBI! This is (in my opionion) what all workstations of today are lacking. The Kronos is great for controlling other gear... and great for being controlled by other gear. But it lacks the feature of routing connected gear among themselves. That would simplify my setup a lot. Dave invented this midi stuff... if any corporation can do this, then it has to be Sequential.

6. Powerful sequencer, for a) backing tracks and b) step-sequencer-like stuff like drum patterns and repeating melodies, etc. ... an arpeggiator would be nice, too.

7. A powerful effects engine with at least 2 effects per part in a combi (so it should be 32 over all), 4 master effects (routable per send and return) and 2 total effects (fixed kind of master effect).

8. At least 3 pairs of balanced stereo outputs, 2 pairs of stereo inputs, and a lot of internal routing possibilities like in a digital mixing console (Kronos does this pretty well, with effects busses and recording busses, etc. ).

9. A lot of analog controls and additionally a really big responsive touchscreen like an iPad Pro.

10. A Fatar keybed like the Moog One's for a 61 key version. And an 88 key version with weighted wooden keys for people who need a stage piano.

11. Some performance helpers, like scene buttons... sounds not cutting of, when switching to the next combi... etc. ...

12. Everything that was achieved in the workstation area until today... I don't want to go back. I can't name everything out of my head, but you know what I mean.

I don't know, if I forgot something important, but that already seems to be a lot... I have no clue how much such a thing would cost, but I would be willing to pay it if it is, what I had in my head, at the moment of writing. Could also be it's too late at night in Europe now and 5-6 german "Keller" beer made me talk nonesense... ;-)

Back to the days of $100,000 synths.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1352 on: August 29, 2020, 06:51:44 PM »
What if they throw all of your ideas in one machine and build the long awaited Kronos killer workstation with completely analog synth engines (not only the filter like the Fantom) and the technique of the Prophet X for sampling and digital stuff? The sequencer of the Pro 3?

I would love such a concept... even if this would make half of my live setup obsolete.

If I think what I really need of a new workstation I come to only a few things:

1. I need at least 16 parts/voices/patches on different midi channels in a combi/setup/performance/song... how ever you call these things. I think you know what I want to say...

2. I want to assing every part a specific type like analog synth, sample (for natural strings, brass, etc. ... ), or digital synth sounds like fm stuff, etc. ...

3. A high polyphony in the digital part (at least 256 voices) because I layer a lot

4. A medium count of analog voices like 32 to be able to (for examples) layer a pad with a bell-like sound and still play a lead sound over this - available voices dynamically shared over all analog patches playing at the moment.

5. Powerfull midi setup, for doing internal midi routing "per Combi/Setup/Performance/Song"... to work with external gear. And do such things, like route for only one specific song an external keyboard A to an external sound engine B, both connected per Midi to the workstation. In other words: make it have an internal midi router like an iConnectivity mio10 or something and store the setup PER COMBI! This is (in my opionion) what all workstations of today are lacking. The Kronos is great for controlling other gear... and great for being controlled by other gear. But it lacks the feature of routing connected gear among themselves. That would simplify my setup a lot. Dave invented this midi stuff... if any corporation can do this, then it has to be Sequential.

6. Powerful sequencer, for a) backing tracks and b) step-sequencer-like stuff like drum patterns and repeating melodies, etc. ... an arpeggiator would be nice, too.

7. A powerful effects engine with at least 2 effects per part in a combi (so it should be 32 over all), 4 master effects (routable per send and return) and 2 total effects (fixed kind of master effect).

8. At least 3 pairs of balanced stereo outputs, 2 pairs of stereo inputs, and a lot of internal routing possibilities like in a digital mixing console (Kronos does this pretty well, with effects busses and recording busses, etc. ).

9. A lot of analog controls and additionally a really big responsive touchscreen like an iPad Pro.

10. A Fatar keybed like the Moog One's for a 61 key version. And an 88 key version with weighted wooden keys for people who need a stage piano.

11. Some performance helpers, like scene buttons... sounds not cutting of, when switching to the next combi... etc. ...

12. Everything that was achieved in the workstation area until today... I don't want to go back. I can't name everything out of my head, but you know what I mean.

I don't know, if I forgot something important, but that already seems to be a lot... I have no clue how much such a thing would cost, but I would be willing to pay it if it is, what I had in my head, at the moment of writing. Could also be it's too late at night in Europe now and 5-6 german "Keller" beer made me talk nonesense... ;-)

Back to the days of $100,000 synths.

I don’t see Dave doing a workstation... my 2¢
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1353 on: August 29, 2020, 07:06:08 PM »
What if they throw all of your ideas in one machine and build the long awaited Kronos killer workstation with completely analog synth engines (not only the filter like the Fantom) and the technique of the Prophet X for sampling and digital stuff? The sequencer of the Pro 3?

I would love such a concept... even if this would make half of my live setup obsolete.

If I think what I really need of a new workstation I come to only a few things:

1. I need at least 16 parts/voices/patches on different midi channels in a combi/setup/performance/song... how ever you call these things. I think you know what I want to say...

2. I want to assing every part a specific type like analog synth, sample (for natural strings, brass, etc. ... ), or digital synth sounds like fm stuff, etc. ...

3. A high polyphony in the digital part (at least 256 voices) because I layer a lot

4. A medium count of analog voices like 32 to be able to (for examples) layer a pad with a bell-like sound and still play a lead sound over this - available voices dynamically shared over all analog patches playing at the moment.

5. Powerfull midi setup, for doing internal midi routing "per Combi/Setup/Performance/Song"... to work with external gear. And do such things, like route for only one specific song an external keyboard A to an external sound engine B, both connected per Midi to the workstation. In other words: make it have an internal midi router like an iConnectivity mio10 or something and store the setup PER COMBI! This is (in my opionion) what all workstations of today are lacking. The Kronos is great for controlling other gear... and great for being controlled by other gear. But it lacks the feature of routing connected gear among themselves. That would simplify my setup a lot. Dave invented this midi stuff... if any corporation can do this, then it has to be Sequential.

6. Powerful sequencer, for a) backing tracks and b) step-sequencer-like stuff like drum patterns and repeating melodies, etc. ... an arpeggiator would be nice, too.

7. A powerful effects engine with at least 2 effects per part in a combi (so it should be 32 over all), 4 master effects (routable per send and return) and 2 total effects (fixed kind of master effect).

8. At least 3 pairs of balanced stereo outputs, 2 pairs of stereo inputs, and a lot of internal routing possibilities like in a digital mixing console (Kronos does this pretty well, with effects busses and recording busses, etc. ).

9. A lot of analog controls and additionally a really big responsive touchscreen like an iPad Pro.

10. A Fatar keybed like the Moog One's for a 61 key version. And an 88 key version with weighted wooden keys for people who need a stage piano.

11. Some performance helpers, like scene buttons... sounds not cutting of, when switching to the next combi... etc. ...

12. Everything that was achieved in the workstation area until today... I don't want to go back. I can't name everything out of my head, but you know what I mean.

I don't know, if I forgot something important, but that already seems to be a lot... I have no clue how much such a thing would cost, but I would be willing to pay it if it is, what I had in my head, at the moment of writing. Could also be it's too late at night in Europe now and 5-6 german "Keller" beer made me talk nonesense... ;-)

Back to the days of $100,000 synths.

I don’t see Dave doing a workstation... my 2¢

“Who wants to work? It’s in the name.” -Dave Smith.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1354 on: August 29, 2020, 07:26:09 PM »
I don’t see Dave doing a workstation... my 2¢

He won't. 

While Dave has a background in computer science as well as electrical engineering, he is NOT a software guy and has said many times he has no interest in becoming that.  I've been creating software for almost as long as Dave has been creating musical hardware, and those of us in the  hardware vs. software engineering camps can recognize each other's skill set very quickly.  A workstation depends so heavily on software, and the things that Dave has said he despises (such as compatibility with this or that, constant updates... etc), so it will just never happen under the Sequential name.

Dave wants to be the creator of synths as a musical instrument, where each distinct instrument is sort of like a specific guitar, that has physical properties to it's feel and its sound.  He's not interested in creating "all in one super computer" type synths, that end up being a jack-of-all-trades-yet-master-of-none swiss army knife device.

I actually think his tight focus on specific synths doing one thing and doing it very well is what sets Sequential's stuff apart from the crowd.   Look at Roland, they're lost.   Want a Juno-106 these days?  Well you could buy the VST and run it on your PC via Roland cloud... or you can buy a System-8 and run it on the synth... Or you could buy a Jupiter X and run it there, and some will tell you none of them sound the same and they are all suffering from shitty user interface...   And still, none of them really capture the sound of the original Juno, because they are software synths.

Dave makes playable instruments, I hope he continues that.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2020, 07:30:48 PM by LPF83 »
Prophet 10, OB-X8m, Prophet 6, OB-6, 3rd Wave, Prophet 12m, Prophet Rev2-16, Toraiz AS-1, Pro 2, Korg Polysix, Roland JP-8080, Roland System-8, Virus TI2, Moog SlimPhatty, Hydrasynth desktop, Roland SPD-SX SE / Octapad, Maschine, Cubase/Ableton/Akai MPC

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1355 on: August 29, 2020, 08:07:31 PM »
Since the $3,000 barrier has been breached, why not create that two-manual instrument.  I mean, the big instruments now seem to be gobbled up in no time.  Look at the ARP 2600.  I hardly had time to dream about one before they were all taken.  So, why not a expand the Prophet 6 or Rev 2 into a paired instrument?


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1356 on: August 29, 2020, 08:49:14 PM »
Since the $3,000 barrier has been breached, why not create that two-manual instrument.  I mean, the big instruments now seem to be gobbled up in no time.  Look at the ARP 2600.  I hardly had time to dream about one before they were all taken.  So, why not a expand the Prophet 6 or Rev 2 into a paired instrument?

I still say Prophet 20 with each engine having ten voices. That’s a Prophet 10 per keybed!

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1357 on: August 30, 2020, 08:15:53 AM »
What if they throw all of your ideas in one machine and build the long awaited Kronos killer workstation with completely analog synth engines (not only the filter like the Fantom) and the technique of the Prophet X for sampling and digital stuff? The sequencer of the Pro 3?

I would love such a concept... even if this would make half of my live setup obsolete.

If I think what I really need of a new workstation I come to only a few things:

1. I need at least 16 parts/voices/patches on different midi channels in a combi/setup/performance/song... how ever you call these things. I think you know what I want to say...

2. I want to assing every part a specific type like analog synth, sample (for natural strings, brass, etc. ... ), or digital synth sounds like fm stuff, etc. ...

3. A high polyphony in the digital part (at least 256 voices) because I layer a lot

4. A medium count of analog voices like 32 to be able to (for examples) layer a pad with a bell-like sound and still play a lead sound over this - available voices dynamically shared over all analog patches playing at the moment.

5. Powerfull midi setup, for doing internal midi routing "per Combi/Setup/Performance/Song"... to work with external gear. And do such things, like route for only one specific song an external keyboard A to an external sound engine B, both connected per Midi to the workstation. In other words: make it have an internal midi router like an iConnectivity mio10 or something and store the setup PER COMBI! This is (in my opionion) what all workstations of today are lacking. The Kronos is great for controlling other gear... and great for being controlled by other gear. But it lacks the feature of routing connected gear among themselves. That would simplify my setup a lot. Dave invented this midi stuff... if any corporation can do this, then it has to be Sequential.

6. Powerful sequencer, for a) backing tracks and b) step-sequencer-like stuff like drum patterns and repeating melodies, etc. ... an arpeggiator would be nice, too.

7. A powerful effects engine with at least 2 effects per part in a combi (so it should be 32 over all), 4 master effects (routable per send and return) and 2 total effects (fixed kind of master effect).

8. At least 3 pairs of balanced stereo outputs, 2 pairs of stereo inputs, and a lot of internal routing possibilities like in a digital mixing console (Kronos does this pretty well, with effects busses and recording busses, etc. ).

9. A lot of analog controls and additionally a really big responsive touchscreen like an iPad Pro.

10. A Fatar keybed like the Moog One's for a 61 key version. And an 88 key version with weighted wooden keys for people who need a stage piano.

11. Some performance helpers, like scene buttons... sounds not cutting of, when switching to the next combi... etc. ...

12. Everything that was achieved in the workstation area until today... I don't want to go back. I can't name everything out of my head, but you know what I mean.

I don't know, if I forgot something important, but that already seems to be a lot... I have no clue how much such a thing would cost, but I would be willing to pay it if it is, what I had in my head, at the moment of writing. Could also be it's too late at night in Europe now and 5-6 german "Keller" beer made me talk nonesense... ;-)

Back to the days of $100,000 synths.

I don’t see Dave doing a workstation... my 2¢

“Who wants to work? It’s in the name.” -Dave Smith.

The Sequential Fun Station.


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  • 342
Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1358 on: August 30, 2020, 02:03:40 PM »
What if they throw all of your ideas in one machine and build the long awaited Kronos killer workstation with completely analog synth engines (not only the filter like the Fantom) and the technique of the Prophet X for sampling and digital stuff? The sequencer of the Pro 3?

I would love such a concept... even if this would make half of my live setup obsolete.

If I think what I really need of a new workstation I come to only a few things:

1. I need at least 16 parts/voices/patches on different midi channels in a combi/setup/performance/song... how ever you call these things. I think you know what I want to say...

2. I want to assing every part a specific type like analog synth, sample (for natural strings, brass, etc. ... ), or digital synth sounds like fm stuff, etc. ...

3. A high polyphony in the digital part (at least 256 voices) because I layer a lot

4. A medium count of analog voices like 32 to be able to (for examples) layer a pad with a bell-like sound and still play a lead sound over this - available voices dynamically shared over all analog patches playing at the moment.

5. Powerfull midi setup, for doing internal midi routing "per Combi/Setup/Performance/Song"... to work with external gear. And do such things, like route for only one specific song an external keyboard A to an external sound engine B, both connected per Midi to the workstation. In other words: make it have an internal midi router like an iConnectivity mio10 or something and store the setup PER COMBI! This is (in my opionion) what all workstations of today are lacking. The Kronos is great for controlling other gear... and great for being controlled by other gear. But it lacks the feature of routing connected gear among themselves. That would simplify my setup a lot. Dave invented this midi stuff... if any corporation can do this, then it has to be Sequential.

6. Powerful sequencer, for a) backing tracks and b) step-sequencer-like stuff like drum patterns and repeating melodies, etc. ... an arpeggiator would be nice, too.

7. A powerful effects engine with at least 2 effects per part in a combi (so it should be 32 over all), 4 master effects (routable per send and return) and 2 total effects (fixed kind of master effect).

8. At least 3 pairs of balanced stereo outputs, 2 pairs of stereo inputs, and a lot of internal routing possibilities like in a digital mixing console (Kronos does this pretty well, with effects busses and recording busses, etc. ).

9. A lot of analog controls and additionally a really big responsive touchscreen like an iPad Pro.

10. A Fatar keybed like the Moog One's for a 61 key version. And an 88 key version with weighted wooden keys for people who need a stage piano.

11. Some performance helpers, like scene buttons... sounds not cutting of, when switching to the next combi... etc. ...

12. Everything that was achieved in the workstation area until today... I don't want to go back. I can't name everything out of my head, but you know what I mean.

I don't know, if I forgot something important, but that already seems to be a lot... I have no clue how much such a thing would cost, but I would be willing to pay it if it is, what I had in my head, at the moment of writing. Could also be it's too late at night in Europe now and 5-6 german "Keller" beer made me talk nonesense... ;-)

Back to the days of $100,000 synths.

I don’t see Dave doing a workstation... my 2¢

“Who wants to work? It’s in the name.” -Dave Smith.

The Sequential Fun Station.

Ok, I didn‘t know Dave said those things, sorry.

But for the price range, I think one could build that in the price range of a Moog One. You could build the analog part on basis of the Rev2 for example. Even if it sounds a little naiv, but a Kronos plus two Rev2s are in that price range.

I think the amount of software that has to be written, can not be an argument, because the software that must be written to drive those „analog hardware synth“ must consist of several lines of code, too.

But yeah... overall it was a dumb idea. It was late at night here, you know... sometimes you get a „vision“ then ;-)
Prophet Rev2, Moog Matriarch, Novation Peak, Arturia DrumBrute Impact, Korg Kronos 2 88, Kurzweil PC 361, Yamaha S90ES


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #1359 on: August 31, 2020, 05:57:25 AM »
I've decided it's going to be a SynDrum kit, with 4 track sequencing (except if you drum for Def Leopard).
OB-6  Prophet-6  Prophet.Rev2/16  no kids