(too hard to prune quotes I'm not addressing, so they will remain, sorry

scroll past the nested hell and refer back if need be)
Yup. Hopefully. It’s either going to be something simple like a four voice poly (half of a Rev 2... a Mophox4 successor)
I had suggested that, and was told no such instrument would be produced. But that doesn't really mean anything.
Isn't a Rev2 8-voice using 4 voices per layer in multi mode (with the second layer not being used) kind of the same thing? Plus an 8 voice Rev2 retails for only a couple of hundred more than the Mophox4 was, and comes with a superb 61 note keybed.
Well the Mophox4 was similar to half of a Prophet 08 so why not? Three octaves, four voices, etc. You could think of it like Sequential’s Juno to their Jupiter (Prophet). A lower tier version catering to a more simple player who just wants to have a small analog poly synth on the side while they play another instrument.
Also if Sequential price this new synth less than $1K it certainly would be a new market and price tier for Sequential.
It would be interesting if they came out with something like a Minilogue XDm at around $600-700 for a module version -- maybe allow custom digital oscillator algorithms and custom FX like the XDm, this is one area I've recently gotten into and it blows me away how much value it adds to the synth, this combined with the motion sequencer inspires lots of experimentation. I think the user community would be all over it, making creations for Dave's next synth.
I don’t see it being a module myself. Nor do I see them even entertaining the thought of minikeys. I think it’ll just be a smaller lower tier analog poly with simple architecture. Perhaps dual effects instead of a single on like on the REV2.
As far as digital oscillators, I think Dave and Co. are saving that for their next big poly synth which hopefully will feature two analog VCOs and two Wavetable oscillators
Chrysn disappeared into a coding cave to create one of the most useful alt firmwares for any microprocessor synth modules out there, so yeah, I could imagine Sequential owners would jump into the "roll-your-own-osc" paradigm. But also it is a rather big risk to run that way. If it doesn't catch on as well as they hope, it could be a lot of work spent on programming that never pays itself off through increased purchases by interested coding enthusiasts.
Regarding minikeys and desktop modules, I seem to recall some time back a sentiment express that Sequential want to make synths for players and thus there will be full-size keys on everything they release. Now I could have misinterpret that by thinking that there will be no more desktops. If I have someone please correct me.
Two VCOs, two wavetables....I'm sure I've seen one of them before with a DSI logo on it....somewhere no so long ago....I'm sure! Had some name like the "Darwin Theory" or something, but I may have imagined it.....