Next New Sequential Instrument

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #960 on: July 10, 2019, 06:42:42 PM »
INHALT (Matia Simovich) is selling a Pro-One on the Facebook Marketplace. In his description, he says, "Selling because I know something you don’t lol." He's done lots of sounds for current Sequential instruments, so it seems quite probable that he knows something that we don't. What could he know, that we don't, that would cause him to sell his Pro-One?

I've been pretty bored with DSI's/Sequential's last few instruments.  Something like a Pro One could change that.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 06:45:07 PM by Sacred Synthesis »


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #961 on: July 10, 2019, 08:49:12 PM »
I would say an analog mono synth is probably the most boring thing Sequential could come up with. Never understood the mindset of following up a shooting with a stabbing. 


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #962 on: July 10, 2019, 10:23:24 PM »
Though I believe it would probably be somwthing that will not catch my attention, if that is what it is... I see no reason to sell a Pro One, if the secret thing cannot stand in for it...

It would totally catch my attention.

Sure... each to his own, I just will not settle with any monosynth again... only polysynths, so if it's a monosynth, great, just not for me.

I'm not even sure I'd want one if it's simply a polyphonic Pro One (in which case it would probably not be named that)... it would have to have a very deep engine, and some really interesting character to get me hooked up. At least 16 voices, and an engine as deep as a REV2 might make me swap, otherwise not.

I'm thinking that maybe the ONE has inspired mr. Dave to go out of his limits though... I have this feeling it'll be an expensive thing, and such a high end polyphonic "Pro One" with large display and a very deep engine might make some sell their Pro One I guess... but really there is no need in guessing... we will just have to wait and see... but if it's in the Prophet X kind of price range and above, it will most likely not catch my attention.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 10:29:10 PM by Razmo »
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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #963 on: July 11, 2019, 10:44:29 AM »
I'm not sure I've ever chimed in on this thread - I watch one suggestion after the next fly way over my head. Lots of X's and 32s and stereo digital filters. Funny thing, though, with fresh talk of the Pro One, I finally feel I can say "What synth Sequential should make next..." If anyone wants to conjure a polyphonic Pro One, with a slightly sturdier build than the original synth, I'm keen. Maybe 6 voices, but I'd work with 5. No patch memory. MIDI control, but barely! I'm being sincere, if totally unrealistic. I went back to my Pro One the other night - came up so easily with the right sound for the song I was working on. So easy, and so satisfying. The Pro One is a pleasure to play. My Prophet 6 is my alpha/omega, generally, but the Pro One really has Thang, right? And after a somewhat recent acquisition of a Juno 6, I now know I don't need patch memory even with a poly synth. But with yet another trip to the repair shop pending, my poor Pro One wishes it was thirty years younger all over again. Maybe I'm picturing a quaint anti-tech tech revolution, where playability and musical enjoyability don't need to be Flagshipped every time, but yeah - an instrument that sounds as righteous as the Pro One and is as easy to lose one's sense of time with, but all polyphony'd - I'd love it.

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #964 on: July 11, 2019, 06:02:58 PM »
Ant, what would be the difference between the Prophet 6 and the six-voice Pro-One you describe?


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #965 on: July 11, 2019, 06:16:41 PM »
Ant, what would be the difference between the Prophet 6 and the six-voice Pro-One you describe?
... the Prophet 6 is more versatile.
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #966 on: July 11, 2019, 07:00:16 PM »
Pro-One used CEM chips that the Rev 3 used, which according to general consensus didn't sound as good as the SSM chips from the Rev 1&2. Considering the P6 has discrete SSM-based components, the P6 seems more desirable on those grounds as well.

Hope it's not a mono (especially an analog one) and if it's anything without patch memory, it can take a hike.


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #967 on: July 11, 2019, 08:09:21 PM »
Perhaps Dave and Tom worked out a deal where they are going to start releases Oberheim based products?


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #968 on: July 11, 2019, 08:51:56 PM »
A knobby Matrix-12 re-imagining with SEMs (use the same OB-6 voice cards) instead of the CEMs of the original. I mean, the 08/REV2 is kinda Dave's knobby DCO version of the Matrix-12 already in a way... For my wallet's sake, I hope that doesn't happen anytime soon since that's the only analog synth I'd break the bank for.  :P
« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 09:24:11 PM by Ocean Machine »

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #969 on: July 12, 2019, 01:26:20 AM »
Ant, what would be the difference between the Prophet 6 and the six-voice Pro-One you describe?

The Pro One has a much looser tone than the Prophet 6, probably partly due to the former being over 200 years old! In my fantasy, the lack of patch memory is very appealing. And no matter how much I love my Prophet 6, it's a clean and precise machine, sonically and programming-wise. The Pro One has a very different "hands on" response, and it gets me where I need to be quickly every time. I guess what I'm really saying is I'd like a Prophet 6 with a dumber, dirtier sound with fewer features!


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #970 on: July 12, 2019, 02:36:23 AM »
It's 2019, PLEASE include patch memory! ... if anyone do not want to use patch memory it is already possible on the P6 in manual mode, so I see absolutely NO REASON to write of a whole group of users that need patch memory... I for one will not buy anything again without preset memory... I do not want to spend hours on designing sounds at the same time that i compose, so presets are an absolute must here.

I can understand the "no presets" approach to save some design cost, if the synth is a limited one, with not too many parameters though... but any synth without preset storage would need to have EVERY parameter on the user interface which greatly lowers the complexity of the synth.

This is why I do not have either P6 or OB-6 ... even though they have preset memory, their enigines was deliberately made limited so that everything could have it's own front panel knob/button etc... I see no reason to get a P6, when a REV2 is sooooo much deeper to be honest... yes, it may have an advantage in it's sound character, but it sure as hell don't even comes close to the REV2's depth and broad range of sounds it can make...

I still think that the most logical to do next would be an FPGA digital front-end polysynth to replace the Prophet 12, or a new iteration of the Tempest... but as most times, Dave will probably surprise with something else.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 02:38:12 AM by Razmo »
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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #971 on: July 12, 2019, 02:43:23 AM »
I've also thought, that maybe Dave has gotten inspired to try and take up the battle with MOOG ONE and Waldorf QUANTUM... that would also be a smart move, and if Dave is up for challenges, certainly a classy challenge... I'm just not sure my wallet would like that challenge  :o
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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #972 on: July 12, 2019, 04:12:19 AM »
As much as I want a larger VCO based poly analog from Sequential, I think it becomes problematic as it’s a constant battle between loads of features vs sonic quality vs price.

Even though the general consensus is the P6/OB6 sound better than the REV2, the REV2 has way more features and modulation capabilities than either of them and applying that number of features to a VCO based synth leads to Moog One price territory which most people refuse to pay so why bother dabbling in it? Dave’s approach seems to be “If you want this buy X, if you want that, buy Y” perhaps that is a better way to go rather than trying to please everyone on a single instrument.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #973 on: July 12, 2019, 05:05:39 AM »
As much as I want a larger VCO based poly analog from Sequential, I think it becomes problematic as it’s a constant battle between loads of features vs sonic quality vs price.

Even though the general consensus is the P6/OB6 sound better than the REV2, the REV2 has way more features and modulation capabilities than either of them and applying that number of features to a VCO based synth leads to Moog One price territory which most people refuse to pay so why bother dabbling in it? Dave’s approach seems to be “If you want this buy X, if you want that, buy Y” perhaps that is a better way to go rather than trying to please everyone on a single instrument.

I surely also would want to see a niche product... but I do not see why this would have to sacrifice depth of the engine, preset capabilities and other things that would make it compete with either ONE or QUANTUM... Creating sounds I've learned that half the power of a synth lies in it's modulation capabilities, so maybe it would be a smart move to start evolving this area of a Sequential synth?

If you look closely at the engine itself (looking past the type of oscillators, filters and vcas plus FX), then the engine controlling these elements have not changed much over the years... in fact some rather nice features of older products have disappeared, like the gated sequencer... i feel that A LOT could be put into enhancing the engine too, instead of only focusing on the type of VCOs and Filters... also more thought put into the actual routing options could also be improved on... it's a long time since we've seen something with a unique routing like the stereo-routing of the old Evolvers. Also the mod matrix could need a HUGE makeover... there are loads of ideas for expanding this part of the engine with new sources and destination, and even expand it with some math modules to interact with multiple sources before they hit the destination... take a look at the sources and destinations of the Hypersynth Xenophone, and you'll get what I mean I think.

Take a look at the modulating world of eurorack systems... there are loads of modules here that are inovative and fun... why not implement new digital "modules" into the engine of a Sequential synth, and let them be available with their outputs in the mod matrix's sources, and also make their controls be destinations? ... modulation features are disappearing on Sequential synths... just take the example of not even having included a simple lag processor for the REV2 LFO's ...

I'd like to see more new ideas in these areas, as well as a digital FPGA front-end... also a vastly expanded FX section with more slots, more routing options etc. and simultaneous use of all FX like on the PEAK.

When I see many other people describing what they want, it's always about what VCO type, what Filter type, how many knobs/sliders and buttons etc... rarely does anyone talk about what they want from the modulation engine, and I actually believe that with all those analog/hybrid polysynths out there now, more focus will be needed on the modulation engine and FX to actually set your synth apart from the rest.... at least if you want to make a sound designer type of user curious  ;D

« Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 05:12:47 AM by Razmo »
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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #974 on: July 12, 2019, 05:29:42 AM »
It's 2019, PLEASE include patch memory! ... if anyone do not want to use patch memory it is already possible on the P6 in manual mode, so I see absolutely NO REASON to write of a whole group of users that need patch memory... I for one will not buy anything again without preset memory... I do not want to spend hours on designing sounds at the same time that i compose, so presets are an absolute must here.

I can understand the "no presets" approach to save some design cost, if the synth is a limited one, with not too many parameters though... but any synth without preset storage would need to have EVERY parameter on the user interface which greatly lowers the complexity of the synth.

This is why I do not have either P6 or OB-6 ... even though they have preset memory, their enigines was deliberately made limited so that everything could have it's own front panel knob/button etc... I see no reason to get a P6, when a REV2 is sooooo much deeper to be honest... yes, it may have an advantage in it's sound character, but it sure as hell don't even comes close to the REV2's depth and broad range of sounds it can make...

I still think that the most logical to do next would be an FPGA digital front-end polysynth to replace the Prophet 12, or a new iteration of the Tempest... but as most times, Dave will probably surprise with something else.

Please understand I'm not trying to suggest my quaint notion of a next Sequential synth as realistic, right? It's just me being whimsical. Besides being a synth-player for most of my life, I'm now also a frequent forum reader/participant. It's fun and fascinating to see how varied people's requirements and requests can be, and I'm only putting my "next synth" wish out for amusement. I'd never knock anyone for their interest in highly-capable, complex instruments, but for me, the more music I make, the more I appreciate my instruments in a basic way. I love the sound of the Prophet 6, and it never occurs to me it's not "deep" enough or should have more modulation options. It does what it does, and it fits what I do. It sounds good, feels good to play. Still, my "suggestion" of a polyphonic Pro One does speak to my own desire for simplicity. Not that the music I make is always simple, but I'm less and less reliant on more and more gear to make the kind of mess that satisfies me.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #975 on: July 12, 2019, 07:29:08 AM »
It's 2019, PLEASE include patch memory! ... if anyone do not want to use patch memory it is already possible on the P6 in manual mode, so I see absolutely NO REASON to write of a whole group of users that need patch memory... I for one will not buy anything again without preset memory... I do not want to spend hours on designing sounds at the same time that i compose, so presets are an absolute must here.

I can understand the "no presets" approach to save some design cost, if the synth is a limited one, with not too many parameters though... but any synth without preset storage would need to have EVERY parameter on the user interface which greatly lowers the complexity of the synth.

This is why I do not have either P6 or OB-6 ... even though they have preset memory, their enigines was deliberately made limited so that everything could have it's own front panel knob/button etc... I see no reason to get a P6, when a REV2 is sooooo much deeper to be honest... yes, it may have an advantage in it's sound character, but it sure as hell don't even comes close to the REV2's depth and broad range of sounds it can make...

I still think that the most logical to do next would be an FPGA digital front-end polysynth to replace the Prophet 12, or a new iteration of the Tempest... but as most times, Dave will probably surprise with something else.

Please understand I'm not trying to suggest my quaint notion of a next Sequential synth as realistic, right? It's just me being whimsical. Besides being a synth-player for most of my life, I'm now also a frequent forum reader/participant. It's fun and fascinating to see how varied people's requirements and requests can be, and I'm only putting my "next synth" wish out for amusement. I'd never knock anyone for their interest in highly-capable, complex instruments, but for me, the more music I make, the more I appreciate my instruments in a basic way. I love the sound of the Prophet 6, and it never occurs to me it's not "deep" enough or should have more modulation options. It does what it does, and it fits what I do. It sounds good, feels good to play. Still, my "suggestion" of a polyphonic Pro One does speak to my own desire for simplicity. Not that the music I make is always simple, but I'm less and less reliant on more and more gear to make the kind of mess that satisfies me.

And that's probably why we have so different requirements... because we do different things with out synths, and maybe because we work differently because of that... simplicity is fine if that's enough for someone, I've tried that route too, but I always went back to complex synths with presets, it fits my workflow a lot better, and my genre of choise is Ambient styles, thus being in need of heavy modulation options more than some particular synth character etc... to me the modulations ARE the character I need.

By the way, i never intended to diss other peoples wishes, I'm talking solely on behalf of my own wishes just like anyone else... besides, our wishes often don't even matter, Sequential do what they want anyway... I see this whole thread as "wishful thinking" to be honest... a sharing af "dreams" ... maybe with a bit of hope springled on top... If it is a polyphonic Pro-1 I'm happy for those that want that... it's just not for me... I'll just wait until my time comes... but as many companies listen a bit to what customers want, I found it important to balance the talk in this thread so that all types of wishes are represented here (in case Sequential DO listen)... just want them to know that the sound designers are here too, and waiting for new interresting stuff, not just the analog VCO polysynth freaks  ;)
If you need me, follow the shadows...

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #976 on: July 12, 2019, 12:17:37 PM »
It's 2019, PLEASE include patch memory! ... if anyone do not want to use patch memory it is already possible on the P6 in manual mode, so I see absolutely NO REASON to write of a whole group of users that need patch memory... I for one will not buy anything again without preset memory... I do not want to spend hours on designing sounds at the same time that i compose, so presets are an absolute must here.

I can understand the "no presets" approach to save some design cost, if the synth is a limited one, with not too many parameters though... but any synth without preset storage would need to have EVERY parameter on the user interface which greatly lowers the complexity of the synth.

This is why I do not have either P6 or OB-6 ... even though they have preset memory, their enigines was deliberately made limited so that everything could have it's own front panel knob/button etc... I see no reason to get a P6, when a REV2 is sooooo much deeper to be honest... yes, it may have an advantage in it's sound character, but it sure as hell don't even comes close to the REV2's depth and broad range of sounds it can make...

I still think that the most logical to do next would be an FPGA digital front-end polysynth to replace the Prophet 12, or a new iteration of the Tempest... but as most times, Dave will probably surprise with something else.

Please understand I'm not trying to suggest my quaint notion of a next Sequential synth as realistic, right? It's just me being whimsical. Besides being a synth-player for most of my life, I'm now also a frequent forum reader/participant. It's fun and fascinating to see how varied people's requirements and requests can be, and I'm only putting my "next synth" wish out for amusement. I'd never knock anyone for their interest in highly-capable, complex instruments, but for me, the more music I make, the more I appreciate my instruments in a basic way. I love the sound of the Prophet 6, and it never occurs to me it's not "deep" enough or should have more modulation options. It does what it does, and it fits what I do. It sounds good, feels good to play. Still, my "suggestion" of a polyphonic Pro One does speak to my own desire for simplicity. Not that the music I make is always simple, but I'm less and less reliant on more and more gear to make the kind of mess that satisfies me.

And that's probably why we have so different requirements... because we do different things with out synths, and maybe because we work differently because of that... simplicity is fine if that's enough for someone, I've tried that route too, but I always went back to complex synths with presets, it fits my workflow a lot better, and my genre of choise is Ambient styles, thus being in need of heavy modulation options more than some particular synth character etc... to me the modulations ARE the character I need.

By the way, i never intended to diss other peoples wishes, I'm talking solely on behalf of my own wishes just like anyone else... besides, our wishes often don't even matter, Sequential do what they want anyway... I see this whole thread as "wishful thinking" to be honest... a sharing af "dreams" ... maybe with a bit of hope springled on top... If it is a polyphonic Pro-1 I'm happy for those that want that... it's just not for me... I'll just wait until my time comes... but as many companies listen a bit to what customers want, I found it important to balance the talk in this thread so that all types of wishes are represented here (in case Sequential DO listen)... just want them to know that the sound designers are here too, and waiting for new interresting stuff, not just the analog VCO polysynth freaks  ;)

I didn't think there was any diss in your comment, and I hope my own previous wasn't oddly tonal! This is one of the threads I read most often, yet have never felt qualified to comment on. I think I was just sowing some retro oats. I'm not fixated on the past, but nor do I feel drawn to keep up with the latest anything. Obviously the analog(ue) resurgence has hit many of us in a sweet spot, and now many are excited again about FM, so we're all part of a curious circle, forward into the past and vice versa. I think your suggestions for new synths/features probably have far more chance of resonating with a contemporary synth designer than mine. I mean, I'm basically asking, "Can we reinvent the wheel, but make it not as round?" Thankfully, there's room for every kind of synth and any kind of suggestion. (Except now I've convinced myself I really do want a polyphonic Pro One! Dave...? Please?


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #977 on: July 12, 2019, 02:28:13 PM »
As much as I want a larger VCO based poly analog from Sequential, I think it becomes problematic as it’s a constant battle between loads of features vs sonic quality vs price.

Even though the general consensus is the P6/OB6 sound better than the REV2, the REV2 has way more features and modulation capabilities than either of them and applying that number of features to a VCO based synth leads to Moog One price territory which most people refuse to pay so why bother dabbling in it? Dave’s approach seems to be “If you want this buy X, if you want that, buy Y” perhaps that is a better way to go rather than trying to please everyone on a single instrument.

I surely also would want to see a niche product... but I do not see why this would have to sacrifice depth of the engine, preset capabilities and other things that would make it compete with either ONE or QUANTUM... Creating sounds I've learned that half the power of a synth lies in it's modulation capabilities, so maybe it would be a smart move to start evolving this area of a Sequential synth?

If you look closely at the engine itself (looking past the type of oscillators, filters and vcas plus FX), then the engine controlling these elements have not changed much over the years... in fact some rather nice features of older products have disappeared, like the gated sequencer... i feel that A LOT could be put into enhancing the engine too, instead of only focusing on the type of VCOs and Filters... also more thought put into the actual routing options could also be improved on... it's a long time since we've seen something with a unique routing like the stereo-routing of the old Evolvers. Also the mod matrix could need a HUGE makeover... there are loads of ideas for expanding this part of the engine with new sources and destination, and even expand it with some math modules to interact with multiple sources before they hit the destination... take a look at the sources and destinations of the Hypersynth Xenophone, and you'll get what I mean I think.

Take a look at the modulating world of eurorack systems... there are loads of modules here that are inovative and fun... why not implement new digital "modules" into the engine of a Sequential synth, and let them be available with their outputs in the mod matrix's sources, and also make their controls be destinations? ... modulation features are disappearing on Sequential synths... just take the example of not even having included a simple lag processor for the REV2 LFO's ...

I'd like to see more new ideas in these areas, as well as a digital FPGA front-end... also a vastly expanded FX section with more slots, more routing options etc. and simultaneous use of all FX like on the PEAK.

When I see many other people describing what they want, it's always about what VCO type, what Filter type, how many knobs/sliders and buttons etc... rarely does anyone talk about what they want from the modulation engine, and I actually believe that with all those analog/hybrid polysynths out there now, more focus will be needed on the modulation engine and FX to actually set your synth apart from the rest.... at least if you want to make a sound designer type of user curious  ;D

Well the problem is people don’t want to pay for that. You had all the modulation depth and polyphony you are speaking of in the Moog One but everyone thought the price was outrageous...they also felt similarly about the Quantum’s price if I remember correctly. Even in the Eurorack and Modular world when people see the price for a full system with all the bells and whistles they complain.

This is why I feel is a bad move to try and move in that direction for Sequential. People demand all the polyphony and features but want to only pay $1500 for it. Why bother? Everyone moaned about the Prophet X’s And XL’s prices and even complained about the P6 and OB6 prices. Why keep going down that road when most people chicken out once their dream synth is presented to them?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 02:30:16 PM by LoboLives »


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #978 on: July 12, 2019, 02:29:43 PM »
Oh come on Sequential obviously do listen to these threads....I should know ;)


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #979 on: July 12, 2019, 04:08:22 PM »
As much as I want a larger VCO based poly analog from Sequential, I think it becomes problematic as it’s a constant battle between loads of features vs sonic quality vs price.

Even though the general consensus is the P6/OB6 sound better than the REV2, the REV2 has way more features and modulation capabilities than either of them and applying that number of features to a VCO based synth leads to Moog One price territory which most people refuse to pay so why bother dabbling in it? Dave’s approach seems to be “If you want this buy X, if you want that, buy Y” perhaps that is a better way to go rather than trying to please everyone on a single instrument.

I surely also would want to see a niche product... but I do not see why this would have to sacrifice depth of the engine, preset capabilities and other things that would make it compete with either ONE or QUANTUM... Creating sounds I've learned that half the power of a synth lies in it's modulation capabilities, so maybe it would be a smart move to start evolving this area of a Sequential synth?

If you look closely at the engine itself (looking past the type of oscillators, filters and vcas plus FX), then the engine controlling these elements have not changed much over the years... in fact some rather nice features of older products have disappeared, like the gated sequencer... i feel that A LOT could be put into enhancing the engine too, instead of only focusing on the type of VCOs and Filters... also more thought put into the actual routing options could also be improved on... it's a long time since we've seen something with a unique routing like the stereo-routing of the old Evolvers. Also the mod matrix could need a HUGE makeover... there are loads of ideas for expanding this part of the engine with new sources and destination, and even expand it with some math modules to interact with multiple sources before they hit the destination... take a look at the sources and destinations of the Hypersynth Xenophone, and you'll get what I mean I think.

Take a look at the modulating world of eurorack systems... there are loads of modules here that are inovative and fun... why not implement new digital "modules" into the engine of a Sequential synth, and let them be available with their outputs in the mod matrix's sources, and also make their controls be destinations? ... modulation features are disappearing on Sequential synths... just take the example of not even having included a simple lag processor for the REV2 LFO's ...

I'd like to see more new ideas in these areas, as well as a digital FPGA front-end... also a vastly expanded FX section with more slots, more routing options etc. and simultaneous use of all FX like on the PEAK.

When I see many other people describing what they want, it's always about what VCO type, what Filter type, how many knobs/sliders and buttons etc... rarely does anyone talk about what they want from the modulation engine, and I actually believe that with all those analog/hybrid polysynths out there now, more focus will be needed on the modulation engine and FX to actually set your synth apart from the rest.... at least if you want to make a sound designer type of user curious  ;D

Well the problem is people don’t want to pay for that. You had all the modulation depth and polyphony you are speaking of in the Moog One but everyone thought the price was outrageous...they also felt similarly about the Quantum’s price if I remember correctly. Even in the Eurorack and Modular world when people see the price for a full system with all the bells and whistles they complain.

This is why I feel is a bad move to try and move in that direction for Sequential. People demand all the polyphony and features but want to only pay $1500 for it. Why bother? Everyone moaned about the Prophet X’s And XL’s prices and even complained about the P6 and OB6 prices. Why keep going down that road when most people chicken out once their dream synth is presented to them?

Modulation is not what would be the costly part... that is mainly code that control all the normal parts like oscillator parameters, filter parameters and vca parameters... these have control signals anyway in the cheaper synths if they have presets, otherwise it would not be possible to create preset memory... thus an extended engine is merely a question of creating the modulation options in code.... so no... just because you created a deeper engine it would not mean that it gets very expensive... of course someone has to get paid for creating the code, but still... the real cost I would say is the hardware... the number of components, and also all the control panel knobs, buttons etc... the design of the hardware in general.

Even just expanding the REV2 with a deeper engine would make it much more powerful in regard to modulation, using the same architecture and hardware design... and what I'm talking about is solely the software side of things... the so called "code engine".

Some examples of what could make the REV2 more powerful with just some OS code updates:

1. An LFO Lag processor
2. Enhanced sequencer with individual note lengths and parameter locking of parameters
3. build in curve parameter for the envelope's Attack, Decay and Release parameters
4. Arpeggiator rhythm patterns
5. Better reverb FX algorithm
6. math "machines" to combine more sources in various ways before reaching the destination
7. more LFO shapes, LFO fade in/out parameters etc.

there are many ways that the engine options could be expanded on, on Sequential synths, to make them even more powerful for sound design.

Thing is... it gets a little boring that the only modulators we ever see in synths are LFO's and Envelopes... there are plenty of eurorack modules with both the weird and the wonderful when it comes to innovative modulation ideas, and as long as it's only a modulator (has no audio path), it can be done in software.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 04:20:56 PM by Razmo »
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