Next New Sequential Instrument

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #280 on: January 15, 2017, 05:59:14 AM »
Man they run a pretty tight ship eh?  Zero leaks.

Anticipation is half the fun. Plus: They've gotta put some effort into making all gear-related sites break down again on Thursday.


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #281 on: January 15, 2017, 06:06:44 AM »
Man they run a pretty tight ship eh?  Zero leaks.

Other than those pictures they posted of a box and of them demonstrating MIDI back in the day (Along with John Bowen and I believe Ikutaro Kakehashi) by connecting a Prophet 600 to (From what I believe was reported) a Juno.

So I'm not sure what any of this means. Dave said he wasn't really going to be doing collaborations again (like he did with Tom Oberheim for the OB6) but like we discussed earlier he also said he would never do a VCO based synth again but then BOOM Prophet 6 and OB6. So...who knows. Maybe a new digital Prophet synth alongside John Bowen? A new product with Kakehashi? A partnership with Roland? Who knows.

Personally I'd like to see a partnership with Cameron Jones in creating a new Synclavier type FM synth with real time sampling and real time sequencing capabilities of the original with a layout like the Minimoog/Schmidt where the panel has the option to be place in front of the musician. Not sure how that would happen though.

Perhaps a new Sequential Multi-Track?
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 06:21:50 AM by LoboLives »

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #282 on: January 15, 2017, 06:31:55 AM »
I think that picture from the 1983 NAMM might be completely unrelated to any new product. Just a sort of legacy reminder, like: "It's NAMM time again next week. Remember how Sequential and Roland introduced MIDI back in the day?" It's just one of those iconic NAMM pictures Sequential/DSI is related to.

I'm skeptical with regard to a new collaboration as well. Sure, never say never. But at the same time it has been emphasized quite often that DSI have been collecting many ideas over the years and that they are continuously thinking about new stuff, which may just turn those kinds of projects into priorities.

Let's also not forget that the last instrument, the OB-6, didn't require much R&D time. It was a rather quick and easy process (6 months in total), so who knows where their heads have been in the meantime. What I'm saying is: With that little bit of extra time on their hands thanks to the OB-6 project, they might just have had enough time to develop something that is going to be substantially different from all the prior releases.


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #283 on: January 15, 2017, 06:47:07 AM »
I think that picture from the 1983 NAMM might be completely unrelated to any new product. Just a sort of legacy reminder, like: "It's NAMM time again next week. Remember how Sequential and Roland introduced MIDI back in the day?" It's just one of those iconic NAMM pictures Sequential/DSI is related to.

I'm skeptical with regard to a new collaboration as well. Sure, never say never. But at the same time it has been emphasized quite often that DSI have been collecting many ideas over the years and that they are continuously thinking about new stuff, which may just turn those kinds of projects into priorities.

Let's also not forget that the last instrument, the OB-6, didn't require much R&D time. It was a rather quick and easy process (6 months in total), so who knows where their heads have been in the meantime. What I'm saying is: With that little bit of extra time on their hands thanks to the OB-6 project, they might just have had enough time to develop something that is going to be substantially different from all the prior releases.

Just going to have to wait and see. I just hope it's not a letdown.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #284 on: January 15, 2017, 11:45:06 AM »
Man they run a pretty tight ship eh?  Zero leaks.

Maybe invite them on a dinner to a Mexican restaurant? ;)

. o O ( :o )
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Sacred Synthesis

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #285 on: January 15, 2017, 11:50:02 AM »
I think that picture from the 1983 NAMM might be completely unrelated to any new product. Just a sort of legacy reminder....

I would agree with this.  I don't think we've been given a hint yet, even though we're eager to get one.  I'd be very surprised to see collaboration with anyone other than Tom Oberheim.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #286 on: January 15, 2017, 11:56:24 AM »
Personally I have decided just to wait and see what they announce this time around. Hopefully the new machine will have interesting new ingredients in its voice architecture. And for the record: I don't expect it to be a machine to my liking but fingers crossed for something of interest one of these NAMM shows.

Far more interesting is to see how DSI evolves their operation now that they have more software developers in their workshop. More bug fixes? More complex products? Multiple development tracks whereby more than one instrument is being worked on at the same time?
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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #287 on: January 16, 2017, 08:40:55 AM »
The keyboard/module, and 'size of keyboard' conversation is very interesting. There has definitely been an evolution away from linear 88-key controllers towards smaller keybeds, and alternate devices for midi input. A new DSI synth would have to offer a compelling set of controller features for me to invest in anything but a module.

In 1991 I sold my baby grand, and bought my first master controller - a fire-engine-red DPM C8. It is still my go-to keyboard. In 2011 I had to send the DPM motherboard to Peavey for repairs, and bought the Nero White master controller - which is a lot more portable!

Next up was a guitar midi controller... I worked for Fishman on their TriplePlay wireless midi controller and stomp box. In this case the fretboard becomes a control surface. Lots of fun, and also why I have a few DAWs listed in my signature - the need to test with a variety of popular tools...

My next gear update was the Push 2, which is fascinating in that it allows both fretboard, and linear keyboard controller styles of play - along with excellent sequencing and sample editing.

Where am I going with this? I believe many of us who are willing/able to invest in boutique synths already have a number of master controllers and alternate input devices. I don't have space, or need in my studio for another full-sized keyboard. At some point I will get a Roli-like device to explore the additional dimensions, but I think that market has not yet reached a sweet spot.

At this point I'm just not sure I need anything else! Between what's available as synth software in the box (Macbook Pro), a new external hardware synth will have to provide a sound I just can't get from my P12. So far - I haven't hit that wall. :)

Inputs: Peavey DPMC8, Studiologic Numa White, Axiom 25, Push 2, CMC-PD, Schecter guitar with TriplePlay+FC1
Synths: waldorf streichfett, DSI Prophet 12 module | DAWs: Cubase Pro 9, Live 9, Logic Pro X, SO3, PT 12...
Basics: AT3035, Steinberg MR816x, MOTU micro express, Mackie MR5s, cm motormix

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #288 on: January 16, 2017, 10:06:11 AM »
The keyboard/module, and 'size of keyboard' conversation is very interesting. There has definitely been an evolution away from linear 88-key controllers towards smaller keybeds, and alternate devices for midi input.

I think there are basically two current trends: One is about portability, the other one about alternative input devices that are able to offer a more expressive articulation. While the former one is mostly based on sheer practical concerns by touring musicians or those who perform live frequently, the latter one is about more fundamental questions of musical expressivity, especially since the keyboard (based on the organ, not the piano) is a rather primitive on/off switch device.

A new DSI synth would have to offer a compelling set of controller features for me to invest in anything but a module.

With regard to alternative input devices and controllers, a welcomed feature for not only a brandnew instrument would certainly be MPE support.

I believe many of us who are willing/able to invest in boutique synths already have a number of master controllers and alternate input devices. I don't have space, or need in my studio for another full-sized keyboard. At some point I will get a Roli-like device to explore the additional dimensions, but I think that market has not yet reached a sweet spot.

That's a valid point. With a certain amount of gear already present, one would not need more and more keyboards along with every new synth engine. However, people also tend to sell stuff in order to buy new instruments. So there's not necessarily a growing number of keyboards in every case; not everyone can afford to be a collector, and not everybody wants a plethora of synths, but rather a limited selection of reliable tools (depending on personal goals), of which one can only use so many in depth anyway. And then there are those for whom a new synth is only a true instrument if it is a self-contained unit with an appropriate input device/keyboard, which also makes sense, especially if you don't wanna carry around lots of different devices all the time, which could as well be included in one box.

I'm not sure about whether the market has not yet reached a sweet spot yet. There are as many alternative controllers around like never before and one could even make a joke about how many new kickstarter campaigns for whatever kind of controller have been started this week. There's definitely an extreme differentiation going on with more and more specialized controllers that come in all variations - from building blocks to ROLI-like approaches and even apps. I would agree with you insofar, as some projects appear really forced, or just as a slight variation of another product. All the rest might be tied to the question, whether there is anything like a perfect controller or input device. I'd answer that question with 'no', since each one of us has different goals and techniques in mind. So the whole controller market is one for highly individualized needs. Some controllers offer different modes of operation in order to cover different approaches, like the Linnstrument for example, others are more specified. Then, it's also still important how a specific controller feels to a performer. A ROLI for example might just not be for everyone.
The biggest problem I see though, is that of adaption: Not everybody is willing to un- or re-learn a playing technique just for the sake of a different controller. Many people still feel comfortable with a keyboard, no matter how limited it might be at the touch of one button. If someone also plays an instrument with a fretboard, the transition towards a Linnstrument might not be that hard at all. That's basically why I think that alternative controllers won't become a mass market phenomenon, at least not in the near future.

At this point I'm just not sure I need anything else! Between what's available as synth software in the box (Macbook Pro), a new external hardware synth will have to provide a sound I just can't get from my P12. So far - I haven't hit that wall. :)

Well, generally speaking I think that the next DSI instrument would have to be substantially different enough from the Prophet-6, OB-6, Prophet 12 and Pro 2, yes.

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #289 on: January 18, 2017, 02:16:42 AM »


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #290 on: January 18, 2017, 03:55:41 AM »
Interesting that there are no knobs or parameters in the picture. Just the keyboard, and played with two hands by somebody who appears to be married.

If we, as a community, alternately obsess over specifications and playability, the focus here is the playability.
Prophet 5 Rev 4 #2711

MPC One+ ∙ MuseScore 4


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #291 on: January 18, 2017, 04:33:21 AM »

Hmm–does not look like a CME keybed–ergo, not likely inexpensive–nor does it look like Fatar keys (though the image is quite blurry)....
Sequential / DSI stuff: Prophet-6 Keyboard with Yorick Tech LFE, Prophet 12 Keyboard, Mono Evolver Keyboard, Split-Eight, Six-Trak, Prophet 2000


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #292 on: January 18, 2017, 04:49:42 AM »
Hmm–does not look like a CME keybed–ergo, not likely inexpensive–nor does it look like Fatar keys (though the image is quite blurry)....

Maybe its their first mini-keys instrument? Who knows!?
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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #293 on: January 18, 2017, 04:59:57 AM »
Maybe it comes with a marriage certificate.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #294 on: January 18, 2017, 05:03:46 AM »
With free partner upgrades.
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Sacred Synthesis

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #295 on: January 18, 2017, 07:12:43 AM »
Hmph, the first synthesizer designed specifically for married men.  I would have expected it to be monophonic.  :D
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 07:29:10 AM by Sacred Synthesis »


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #296 on: January 18, 2017, 07:20:56 AM »
Oh it can be polyphonic but at most two of the voices sound fully evolved.

Perhaps that could finally be the case for fully multi-timbral DSI instruments?
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Sacred Synthesis

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #297 on: January 18, 2017, 07:25:12 AM »
Regardless, I naturally like the emphasis.  This one is clearly a musical instrument for keyboardists. 

Now when will DSI produce a pedalboard synthesizer?  Oh, come on now, I'm trying to start a revolution in the synthesizer world.  Free up your left hands!  A pedalboard in every rig!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 07:47:54 AM by Sacred Synthesis »


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #298 on: January 18, 2017, 07:27:40 AM »
Hmph, the first synthesizer designed specifically for married men.  I would have expected it to be monophonic.
I would say it would have a top cover that made it look like a beat up SQ-2 you could buy in a pawn shop for $75?

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #299 on: January 18, 2017, 07:45:12 AM »
Oh it can be polyphonic but at most two of the voices sound fully evolved.

Perhaps that could finally be the case for fully multi-timbral DSI instruments?

The ongoing struggle between marriage and multi-timbrality?