Ditto, if they would only push the Sequential architecture a little further.
If I remember correctly, you came close to buying a Prophet-6 Keyboard, but then you decided to go modular instead.
Yeah, and modular sort of took me by surprise. Things that I once considered essential, I don't care about anymore. PWM, ASDR envelopes, LFOs, filters. What's a synthesizer without these things? But now that I find myself on the verge of going full-Buchla, I'm not sure how that squares with looking for a keyboard synthesizer, or even keeping the one I have.
For the price (and ongoing investments) of my modular, I could have had a Minimoog or a Prophet 6. I sort of wipe my brow with relief that I didn't get a Minimoog, but I don't feel that way about the Prophet 6. It would have been an equally satisfying path, but way different.
I would seriously consider a Sequential monosynth with good CV support, even if it means scaling down the modular and building another case. But I think that the Pro 2 is that synth right now, and it's hard to beat. For the record, I don't consider its CV support sufficient (please see the Oberheim TVP for one operational definition of "sufficient"). And everyone's right; it's time for a new five-octave replacement for the Prophet 08.