As much as I want a larger VCO based poly analog from Sequential, I think it becomes problematic as it’s a constant battle between loads of features vs sonic quality vs price.
Even though the general consensus is the P6/OB6 sound better than the REV2, the REV2 has way more features and modulation capabilities than either of them and applying that number of features to a VCO based synth leads to Moog One price territory which most people refuse to pay so why bother dabbling in it? Dave’s approach seems to be “If you want this buy X, if you want that, buy Y” perhaps that is a better way to go rather than trying to please everyone on a single instrument.
I surely also would want to see a niche product... but I do not see why this would have to sacrifice depth of the engine, preset capabilities and other things that would make it compete with either ONE or QUANTUM... Creating sounds I've learned that half the power of a synth lies in it's modulation capabilities, so maybe it would be a smart move to start evolving this area of a Sequential synth?
If you look closely at the engine itself (looking past the type of oscillators, filters and vcas plus FX), then the engine controlling these elements have not changed much over the years... in fact some rather nice features of older products have disappeared, like the gated sequencer... i feel that A LOT could be put into enhancing the engine too, instead of only focusing on the type of VCOs and Filters... also more thought put into the actual routing options could also be improved on... it's a long time since we've seen something with a unique routing like the stereo-routing of the old Evolvers. Also the mod matrix could need a HUGE makeover... there are loads of ideas for expanding this part of the engine with new sources and destination, and even expand it with some math modules to interact with multiple sources before they hit the destination... take a look at the sources and destinations of the Hypersynth Xenophone, and you'll get what I mean I think.
Take a look at the modulating world of eurorack systems... there are loads of modules here that are inovative and fun... why not implement new digital "modules" into the engine of a Sequential synth, and let them be available with their outputs in the mod matrix's sources, and also make their controls be destinations? ... modulation features are disappearing on Sequential synths... just take the example of not even having included a simple lag processor for the REV2 LFO's ...
I'd like to see more new ideas in these areas, as well as a digital FPGA front-end... also a vastly expanded FX section with more slots, more routing options etc. and simultaneous use of all FX like on the PEAK.
When I see many other people describing what they want, it's always about what VCO type, what Filter type, how many knobs/sliders and buttons etc... rarely does anyone talk about what they want from the modulation engine, and I actually believe that with all those analog/hybrid polysynths out there now, more focus will be needed on the modulation engine and FX to actually set your synth apart from the rest.... at least if you want to make a sound designer type of user curious 
Well the problem is people don’t want to pay for that. You had all the modulation depth and polyphony you are speaking of in the Moog One but everyone thought the price was outrageous...they also felt similarly about the Quantum’s price if I remember correctly. Even in the Eurorack and Modular world when people see the price for a full system with all the bells and whistles they complain.
This is why I feel is a bad move to try and move in that direction for Sequential. People demand all the polyphony and features but want to only pay $1500 for it. Why bother? Everyone moaned about the Prophet X’s And XL’s prices and even complained about the P6 and OB6 prices. Why keep going down that road when most people chicken out once their dream synth is presented to them?
Modulation is not what would be the costly part... that is mainly code that control all the normal parts like oscillator parameters, filter parameters and vca parameters... these have control signals anyway in the cheaper synths if they have presets, otherwise it would not be possible to create preset memory... thus an extended engine is merely a question of creating the modulation options in code.... so no... just because you created a deeper engine it would not mean that it gets very expensive... of course someone has to get paid for creating the code, but still... the real cost I would say is the hardware... the number of components, and also all the control panel knobs, buttons etc... the design of the hardware in general.
Even just expanding the REV2 with a deeper engine would make it much more powerful in regard to modulation, using the same architecture and hardware design... and what I'm talking about is solely the software side of things... the so called "code engine".
Some examples of what could make the REV2 more powerful with just some OS code updates:
1. An LFO Lag processor
2. Enhanced sequencer with individual note lengths and parameter locking of parameters
3. build in curve parameter for the envelope's Attack, Decay and Release parameters
4. Arpeggiator rhythm patterns
5. Better reverb FX algorithm
6. math "machines" to combine more sources in various ways before reaching the destination
7. more LFO shapes, LFO fade in/out parameters etc.
there are many ways that the engine options could be expanded on, on Sequential synths, to make them even more powerful for sound design.
Thing is... it gets a little boring that the only modulators we ever see in synths are LFO's and Envelopes... there are plenty of eurorack modules with both the weird and the wonderful when it comes to innovative modulation ideas, and as long as it's only a modulator (has no audio path), it can be done in software.