If I should want a multitimbral synth from Sequential I'd like something like this:
A module based concept... A synth that had say; four sockets, each being able to hold an 8 voice synth card.
The synth card could be anything... an 8voice REV2, an 8voice P6/OB6, an 8 voice Evolver etc.
The synth itself should be focused around having four layers, one for each module, and should be able to play them both multitimbrally, but also layer and stack them for some true amazing sound design capabilities.
Each module should have it's own dedicated FX engine built in.
When it comes to controls, it would have to be built around a large color touch-display, otherwise editing the presets would get completely out of hand, as no sane combination of knobs and buttons would be capable of satisfying each module and it's engine (yes... the sound engine should be on the modules themselves too... a complete synth on a board, only to be controlled by the larger control engine made around them).
Presets should also be stored on the modules, and be module dependent... this means that presets with part data (which would essentially be multis) should only point to the presets used, otherwise it will get complicated to use presets from others, as they may have a different combination of modules installed.
In essence... I'm talking about a multitimbral synth, with voices in groups of 8, but where these groups of eight is a dedicated synth board... this way you can install any combination of synths you might want.
I know that some of you do not like large touch displays and editing this way, but I do not see any other way around it, unless you use a computer to edit the different presets on a module instead... but it would probably be better to have it all inside the machine... and with synths like QUANTUM and ONE being out, with big screens on them, why not Sequential?