Now that I have turned to multi timbral usage of my gear, I realize, that what I want to see from DSI, is a top notch synth, like the P12, but with a multi mode for 16 channels... a module of sorts, meant for the studio user as a workhorse. 16 voices, so that each channel can have at least 1 voice configured... also the voice allocation should be dynamic across the 16 channels (not like on Evolver, where you reserve a certain number of voices)... on top of that, it should have digital quality FX built in, so that the machines can work as a stand alone device without need for external processing... a delay and reverb as master FX, and a single insert FX for each voice individualy giving you stuff like chorus, phaser, flanger, ensemble, distortion etc... a separate simple LO/HIPASS for each channel as well, for making EQ adjustments on individual channels.
That's what I would really like to see from DSI... what the engine should be, is another story... I just really would like a rack/module that would take the job as a workhorse... very few synths with analog filters and amps do that. If they can make a 12 voice P12, they can do a 16 voice as well, and the FX part is already partly implemented in the new P6/OB6 designs... the voice technology could easily be taken from the P12.
I won't even mind if they called it the "Prophet 16"