Next New Sequential Instrument


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #560 on: January 06, 2018, 11:11:09 AM »
During an interview with Pioneer Dave said that while other synth technology like FM and stuff is neat it’s too complicated compared to analog.

I think that the only things left for DSI to do in the analog realm is multitimbrality. From my understanding Dave isn’t interested in that and to be would be redundant to the rest of their catalog doing yet another analog poly synth. Nah, time to brings those VS waves back and finally add some sampling to the DSI catalog. DSI have done enough in the analog realm.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #561 on: January 06, 2018, 11:14:39 AM »
During an interview with Pioneer Dave said that while other synth technology like FM and stuff is neat it’s too complicated compared to analog.

I think that the only things left for DSI to do in the analog realm is multitimbrality. From my understanding Dave isn’t interested in that and to be would be redundant to the rest of their catalog doing yet another analog poly synth. Nah, time to brings those VS waves back and finally add some sampling to the DSI catalog. DSI have done enough in the analog realm.
That is certainly the logical next step... and I am saving a spot in my synth cabinet for just such a creature... :)
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #562 on: January 06, 2018, 11:32:25 AM »
During an interview with Pioneer Dave said that while other synth technology like FM and stuff is neat it’s too complicated compared to analog.

Well, classic FM synthesis à la DX7 is not that complicated and one doesn't have to mythologize it. The biggest problem FM has are the sounds that are being associated with it and the fact that they're perceived as horribly dated and cheesy, which makes it more of a marketing problem. The latter is of course the same case for classic analog sounds, but for some reason the majority of synth users think that those aged more gracefully.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 11:34:41 AM by Paul Dither »


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #563 on: January 06, 2018, 01:11:28 PM »
I think that the only things left for DSI to do in the analog realm is multitimbrality.

Oh there are plenty of other options in analog synthesizer design for the type of voices DSI does. For instance would an instrument featuring the new discrete oscillators and filters combined with plenty of modulation features be something the current line of instruments does not offer.

Nah, time to brings those VS waves back and finally add some sampling to the DSI catalog. DSI have done enough in the analog realm.

There are plenty of options in hybrid voice design including a new VS, a sampler with analog filters and something inspired by the Evolver featuring both analog and digital oscillators. Not to mention that a little phase modulation would be lovely. Not to mention a new drum machine inspired by the earlier BookChik and LinnDrumm II design ideas.

I am curious about the direction they take on the voice architecture front this time around. Given that competition starts to hit the analog polysynth market for real their best move may be to make a new voice that really sets them apart from the rest of the competition. So I would not be terribly surprised if we do not see a new instrument until NAMM 2019.
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Sacred Synthesis

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #564 on: January 06, 2018, 02:56:45 PM »
Hybrids aside, I'm confident DSI will continue to produce analog synthesizers.  It's what they do, it's more or less all they do, and it's going to remain the case.  Of course, that allows room for little surprises.  Perhaps one of these days they'll get around to offering digital effects units.  But as far as synthesizers go, I think it's obvious what the DSI future holds.

What DSI has not yet done is produce an immense all-analog polyphonic synthesizer.  That's just one future possibility, and it's still my primary hope.  I mean the sort of instrument that could persuade some of us to sell all or most of our other instruments. 
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 03:02:16 PM by Sacred Synthesis »

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #565 on: January 06, 2018, 05:09:32 PM »
Actually I was wrong about the Tempest not being announced at a NAMM show. In fact, it was always announced at Winter NAMM shows in all of its three different incarnations.

To the best of my knowledge, this is an overview over the DSI release history since 2002:

Spring 2002: Announcement of the Evolver; October 29: shipping announcement; first presented at Winter NAMM 2003
December 6, 2003: Announcement of the Poly Evolver Rack, first presented at Winter NAMM 2004; May 10, 2004: shipping announcement
December 23/24, 2004: Announcement of the Poly Evolver Keyboard, first presented at Winter NAMM 2005; May 10, 2005: shipping announcement
January 11, 2006: Announcement of the Mono Evolver Keyboard, first presented at Winter NAMM 2006; May 1: shipping announcement
NAMM 2007: First announcement of what would become the Tempest, here under the name BoomChik
August 20, 2007: Announcement of the Prophet ’08 and the Prophet ’08 Special Edition
August 31, 2007: Shipping announcement for the Prophet ’08 Special Edition (300 limited units)
September 10, 2007: Announcement that Prophet ’08s are shipping in greater numbers
Winter NAMM 2008: Showing prototypes of the LinnDrum II Analog (formerly known as BoomChick; 2nd step in the Tempest development) and the Prophet ’08 Module
March 18, 2008: Shipping announcement for the Prophet ’08 Module
May 16, 2008: Announcement of DSI expression pedals, immediate availability
June 1, 2008: Poly Evolver Rack discontinued
September 24, 2008: Announcement of the Mopho, immediate shipping
May 20, 2009: Announcement of the Prophet ’08 Potentiometer Edition
June 2, 2009: Availability of PE conversion kits for the Prophet ’08 announced
August 5, 2009: Announcement of the Tetra, immediate shipping
November 5, 2009: Announcement of the Poly Evolver Keyboard Potentiometer Edition
Winter NAMM 2010: Showing prototypes of the Mopho Keyboard
March 15, 2010: Announcement of the Mopho Keyboard and the return of the Poly Evolver Rack
May 5, 2010: Shipping announcement for the Mopho Keyboard
October 1, 2010: Announcement of the Mono Evolver Keyboard Potentiometer Edition
December 2, 2010: Poly Evolver Rack discontinued
Winter NAMM 2011: Announcement of the Tempest
September 6, 2011: Shipping announcement for the Tempest
August 1, 2012: Announcement of the Mopho x4
Fall 2012: Mono Evolver Keyboard PE and DSI expression pedals discontinued
January 24, 2013/Winter NAMM 2013: Announcement of the Prophet 12; June 25: shipping announcement
October 15, 2013: Announcement of the Mopho SE, shipping later that month
December 18, 2013: Announcement of the Prophet 12 Module, first presented at Winter NAMM 2014
Spring 2014: Poly Evolver Keyboard PE discontinued
June 19, 2014: Announcement of the Pro 2, first presented at Summer NAMM 2014
August 11, 2014: Announcement of the DSM01 Curtis Filter Module, immediate shipping
August 12, 2014: Shipping announcement for the Pro 2
January 12, 2015: Announcement of the DSM02 Character Module, immediate shipping
January 22, 2015/Winter NAMM 2015: announcement of the Prophet-6; May 29: shipping announcement
October 14, 2015: Mopho, Mopho Keyboard, Mopho Keyboard SE, Tetra, and Evolver discontinued
October 22, 2015: Announcement of the Prophet-6 Module; November 25: shipping announcement
January 21, 2016/Winter NAMM 2016: Announcement of the OB-6; March 3: shipping announcement
April 10, 2016: Announcement of the TORAIZ SP-16
June 23, 2016: Announcement of the OB-6 Module; September 9: shipping announcement
October 13, 2016: Announcement of the DSM03 Feedback Module, immediate shipping
January 19, 2017/Winter NAMM 2017: Announcement of the Prophet Rev2 and the TORAIZ AS-1
May 18, 2017: Shipping announcement for the Prophet Rev2
August 29, 2017: Announcement of the Prophet Rev2 Module; October 25: shipping announcement

Strictly speaking, only the following instruments have been announced or presented for the very first time at NAMM shows: BoomChick, LinnDrum II Analog, Prophet ’08 Module, Mopho Keyboard, Tempest, Prophet 12, Prophet-6, OB-6, Prophet Rev2, and TORAIZ AS-1. That's clearly the minority of all the products DSI have released over the years. So there's no reason for panic if there won't be an announcement in about three weeks from now, as this has rather been the exception to the rule.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 05:12:42 PM by Paul Dither »


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #566 on: January 06, 2018, 09:45:27 PM »
I also wonder if we will continue to see any more collaborations from DSI and Pioneer. A few people at the local music store here said they think Pioneer has backtracked on the production side of things as the SP-16 and AS-1 haven't sold well. Surprising really, both are fantastic.


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #567 on: January 06, 2018, 11:21:08 PM »
What DSI has not yet done is produce an immense all-analog polyphonic synthesizer.  That's just one future possibility, and it's still my primary hope.  I mean the sort of instrument that could persuade some of us to sell all or most of our other instruments.

The exact reason why you won't see one is because of your last point. A 20 Voice, VCO based, Multitimbral analog polysynth would make their other products to have a bit more variety but I'm not sure what else they can do in the analog realm really that wouldn't be redundant to their other products.

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #568 on: January 07, 2018, 04:58:40 AM »
I also wonder if we will continue to see any more collaborations from DSI and Pioneer. A few people at the local music store here said they think Pioneer has backtracked on the production side of things as the SP-16 and AS-1 haven't sold well. Surprising really, both are fantastic.

This is just by hearsay though. But as Pioneer is targeting its products to the DJ market, I can't see that much room for further collaborations, certainly not in the standard synthesizer format (keyboard or desktop module), which is what DSI mainly do.

A 20 Voice, VCO based, Multitimbral analog polysynth would make their other products redundant...

Unnecessary overlaps aside, your example would also end up being incredibly expensive.

I'm not sure what else they can do in the analog realm really that wouldn't be redundant to their other products.

With the Rev2, the Prophet-6, the OB-6, and the Mopho x4 that field seems indeed very well covered by now. That's why I would rather assume that a hybrid voice architecture of whatever kind seems more likely for the next step. That could entail a successor to the Prophet 12, a return to some of the Evolver principles (e.g. hybrid front end) in an updated format, or something entirely different.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #569 on: January 07, 2018, 07:56:50 AM »
Entirely different.... like in "Sampling Synthesizer"... in my opinion, this would be the most wise logical step right now because, the market is ready for one, and if DSI comes with one soon to compete with the Quantum, they may take the lead on this.... or maybe it's just my wishful thinking :)

I'm having a hard time believing it will be a better version of the P12, as it is still rather new with nothing much to compete with it except for maybe the PEAK and coming Quantum.

besides this, the only synthesis types DSI has not covered is physical modelling, but that technology seems to be put to the grave, as no one makes this synthesis type anymore really...

Actually... if DSI wanted to do an upgrade worthy machine these days, I find that the Tempest would be a much better option... that machine is in my opinion only "half cooked", and could need some dire improvements, and much less obscure interface...

Maybe an all analog drummachine, in the Sequential name, with hands on usage?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 08:30:11 AM by Razmo »
If you need me, follow the shadows...

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #570 on: January 07, 2018, 08:19:19 AM »
What DSI has not yet done is produce an immense all-analog polyphonic synthesizer.  That's just one future possibility, and it's still my primary hope.  I mean the sort of instrument that could persuade some of us to sell all or most of our other instruments.

The exact reason why you won't see one is because of your last point. A 20 Voice, VCO based, Multitimbral analog polysynth would make their other products to have a bit more variety but I'm not sure what else they can do in the analog realm really that wouldn't be redundant to their other products.

That's not at all the instrument I had in mind.  Twenty voices of VCO's?  The price would equal a down payment for a small house!  I'd be happy with twelve voices, bi-timbrality, and even DCO's.  But I'd love to have a synthesizer with five or six oscillators.  I'm trying to keep four as the bare minimum for all my instruments.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 09:07:24 AM by Sacred Synthesis »


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #571 on: January 07, 2018, 06:57:37 PM »
8 voice poly synth with 3 osc's per voice.  Two Osc's being user samples of anything from a single cycle to full pop song length sample in whatever sampling and bit rate, plus an analogue osc with the regular waveforms available with also pwm.
After that, whatever is fine as long as if there is a filter involved, it's multimode and per voice (which I'm sure is a reasonable request)...hey there's an idea, different filter modes for each voice.


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #572 on: January 07, 2018, 08:44:23 PM »
Entirely different.... like in "Sampling Synthesizer"... in my opinion, this would be the most wise logical step right now because, the market is ready for one, and if DSI comes with one soon to compete with the Quantum, they may take the lead on this.... or maybe it's just my wishful thinking :)

I'm having a hard time believing it will be a better version of the P12, as it is still rather new with nothing much to compete with it except for maybe the PEAK and coming Quantum.

besides this, the only synthesis types DSI has not covered is physical modelling, but that technology seems to be put to the grave, as no one makes this synthesis type anymore really...

Actually... if DSI wanted to do an upgrade worthy machine these days, I find that the Tempest would be a much better option... that machine is in my opinion only "half cooked", and could need some dire improvements, and much less obscure interface...

Maybe an all analog drummachine, in the Sequential name, with hands on usage?

Shame not many do physical modelling anymore. I love the sounds it can get.

As far as a DSI drum machine...I think believe it or not, the Pioneer SP-16 is pretty much the upgrade of the Tempest. Not so much on the actual analog synthesis of course but it does have a lot of the same features, plus a P6 VCF, sampling, multi channel midi out. It also has some nice onboard drum sounds. Not sure if they feature the LM1 or Linn Drum samples but you can sample them into the machine as well as anything else. With the new firmware upgrade, I’m actually considering it as my main sequencer/controller.

Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #573 on: January 26, 2018, 03:15:44 AM »
As far as a DSI drum machine...I think believe it or not, the Pioneer SP-16 is pretty much the upgrade of the Tempest. Not so much on the actual analog synthesis of course but it does have a lot of the same features, plus a P6 VCF, sampling, multi channel midi out. It also has some nice onboard drum sounds. Not sure if they feature the LM1 or Linn Drum samples but you can sample them into the machine as well as anything else. With the new firmware upgrade, I’m actually considering it as my main sequencer/controller.

I've been having a look on the SP16/Pioneer website recently and the latest firmware mentions that the sample time has increased to 64 seconds and DSI P6 filters are now recorded per scene which are nice updates.

There are a few changes and improvements in addition to the above which makes it more appealing for my setup.

Tempest among my other gear is slaved to Engine in my setup and  think the Pioneer Sp16 might be a bit of duplication of sequencing duties so hence the wait for the possibility of the DSI Sampler.

As I use the  Engine midi/cv gate sequencer already, I just want to hang in a bit longer to see if DSI do an 8 voice keyboard/module sampler with VCF/VCA's per voice otherwise the SP16 looks like a possible sampling solution to retire the Korg Microsampler.


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #574 on: January 26, 2018, 03:58:59 AM »
8 voice poly synth with 3 osc's per voice.  Two Osc's being user samples of anything from a single cycle to full pop song length sample in whatever sampling and bit rate, plus an analogue osc with the regular waveforms available with also pwm.
After that, whatever is fine as long as if there is a filter involved, it's multimode and per voice (which I'm sure is a reasonable request)...hey there's an idea, different filter modes for each voice.

That's a great idea!

The filter setup similar, if not the same as the Pro 2 with both SEM and P6 filters with a sampling front end.



Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #575 on: January 26, 2018, 04:40:30 AM »
What DSI has not yet done is produce an immense all-analog polyphonic synthesizer.  That's just one future possibility, and it's still my primary hope.  I mean the sort of instrument that could persuade some of us to sell all or most of our other instruments.

The exact reason why you won't see one is because of your last point. A 20 Voice, VCO based, Multitimbral analog polysynth would make their other products to have a bit more variety but I'm not sure what else they can do in the analog realm really that wouldn't be redundant to their other products.

That's not at all the instrument I had in mind.  Twenty voices of VCO's?  The price would equal a down payment for a small house!  I'd be happy with twelve voices, bi-timbrality, and even DCO's.  But I'd love to have a synthesizer with five or six oscillators.  I'm trying to keep four as the bare minimum for all my instruments.

Would that simply just be the REV2 then with less voices?


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #576 on: January 26, 2018, 04:43:03 AM »
I'd love to see both Dave's collaborate.

You can dial in the amount of aliasing which is what we were talking about before Sacred Synthesis.

Raz gets his sampler.

It seems unbelievable to have a voltage controlled sampler instead of midi sampler...but here it is. Now if Dave could talk to Dave I'm sure they could come up with the Sequential Imitator or the Sequential Doppelganger sampler synth. 


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #577 on: January 26, 2018, 06:50:40 AM »
I'd love to see both Dave's collaborate.

You can dial in the amount of aliasing which is what we were talking about before Sacred Synthesis.

Raz gets his sampler.

It seems unbelievable to have a voltage controlled sampler instead of midi sampler...but here it is. Now if Dave could talk to Dave I'm sure they could come up with the Sequential Imitator or the Sequential Doppelganger sampler synth.

I actually shifted a bit in what I would want, if I am to get anything else... I have settled with my V-Synth as my only instrument at all, thinking ONLY about getting maybe ONE more synth in the future, that will be connected to my V-Synths MIDI output (I am not connected to a computer anymore via MIDI) ... that one synth would have to be a desktop synth, and it's synthesis absolutely unique... a simple sampler thru analog filters will not cut it for me anymore, since analog filters is not of any importance to me anymore really... sure would be nice to have as an extra, but the synthesis features would be alfa omega, and any such sampler would have to be REALLY something, to add anything essential to what my V-Synth already provides :)

In fact, I see only ONE such synth at the moment, giving me a lot af extra features... the Waldorf Quantum... Wavetables, Resonator and the added analog filters would be a welcome addition, if they ever make that one in a desktop format, or DSI come up with something synthesis wise that is equivalent...

I read somewhere, that some retailer had listed the Quantum as "Quantum Keyboard", which might suggest it will be made in a desktop version as well... probably without all the hands-on knobs, controlling all or most from within the touch display... if that ever hit the market, I'll be on it in a split second as my last synth...
If you need me, follow the shadows...


Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #578 on: January 26, 2018, 07:19:12 AM »
I'd love to see both Dave's collaborate.

You can dial in the amount of aliasing which is what we were talking about before Sacred Synthesis.

Raz gets his sampler.

It seems unbelievable to have a voltage controlled sampler instead of midi sampler...but here it is. Now if Dave could talk to Dave I'm sure they could come up with the Sequential Imitator or the Sequential Doppelganger sampler synth.

I actually shifted a bit in what I would want, if I am to get anything else... I have settled with my V-Synth as my only instrument at all, thinking ONLY about getting maybe ONE more synth in the future, that will be connected to my V-Synths MIDI output (I am not connected to a computer anymore via MIDI) ... that one synth would have to be a desktop synth, and it's synthesis absolutely unique... a simple sampler thru analog filters will not cut it for me anymore, since analog filters is not of any importance to me anymore really... sure would be nice to have as an extra, but the synthesis features would be alfa omega, and any such sampler would have to be REALLY something, to add anything essential to what my V-Synth already provides :)

In fact, I see only ONE such synth at the moment, giving me a lot af extra features... the Waldorf Quantum... Wavetables, Resonator and the added analog filters would be a welcome addition, if they ever make that one in a desktop format, or DSI come up with something synthesis wise that is equivalent...

I read somewhere, that some retailer had listed the Quantum as "Quantum Keyboard", which might suggest it will be made in a desktop version as well... probably without all the hands-on knobs, controlling all or most from within the touch display... if that ever hit the market, I'll be on it in a split second as my last synth...


Well in either case the Assimil8r looks incredible and would love to see a collaboration with DSI.


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Re: Next New DSI Instrument
« Reply #579 on: February 05, 2018, 10:34:47 AM »
The silence is deafening over here....

"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |