Probably about time to pick up this thread again, now that we know what the last new DSI instrument was.
I've already said my things, if not in this thread, then elsewhere. I was tempted to make a thread called "Another Man's Quest for the Perfect Mono Synth," but I'm not quite as rigorous as Sacred Synthesis in my requirements. And also, I'm willing to entertain the possibility that the Little Phatty and the Evolver are co-perfect mono synths, and that maybe there's no need for a quest at all.
If DSI were to decide to make another mono synth, here's all I want:
(1) Three octaves. I've got an acoustic piano, so 37 keys does it for me on a mono synth.
(2) Nice wooden cabinetry, like the Prophet 6.
(3) I mean, really, basically a monophonic Prophet 6.
(4) But with or without the effects section. Don't care.
(5) CV ins would be essential, though. CV outs would be way cool. I'm planning on buying a CP-251, and I want to keep it when I change synths.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. If something like this comes along by the next NAMM, and is priced somewhere in the Pro2 range, it'll be sitting on my synth table. If not, I dunno. Maybe I'll just get a Voyager or some crazy thing. Or revisit the Pro2. Who knows? That's the fun of the whole thing.
But what do I think they're going to do? I think they're going to release an OB6 module. And I also think we haven't seen the end of Prophet 6/OB6 as a platform for new oscillator/filter/signal routing combinations.