I would like to see a drummachine meant for studio use via a DAW... Preferably something that is expandable.
I'm thinking a kind of desktop module, with a single pad on it for triggering the sound, and a small display above it, and a few single knobs for data entry and editing, to keep it minimal... and then some smart way of "clicking" one such device onto the side of the next, letting you chain up to 16 of them (one for each MIDI channel).
The point is that a single unit should be relatively cost effective, being a single drumvoice in itself, but allow for more voices as needed. This way you could do with just one box, if you're the layer recording type of musician, or more if you're the live performance type of musician... a win-win for everyone... even the poor musician who can get access to the technology without breaking the bank, but eventualy add on it when the funds are there.
I imagine the engine being something like this:
One oscillator from the P6 (or another design, it just needs to be STABLE! with a huge pitch range and ability to reset it's phase at note-on, preferably even choosing the degree to start at for full control of the "click" in the transient).
One Pro2 digital oscillator complete with character section.
One sample oscillator with access to some form of user sample memory. (must have both single-shot, and looped sample capabilities)
Now follow these three oscillators with the Pro2's dual filters... and make the oscillators individualy routable to these two filters, or around them, so that you can decide exacly what oscillators goes thru them.
Now follow the dual filters with an analog distortion circuit, where you again can route the output of the two filters into, or around the distortion curcuit as you see fit.
Finish the signal path with the FX block of the P6, with the ability to feed it from both right after the distortion curcuit, but also from the direct output of the two digital oscillators (these would be in the digital domain at that point anyway, so no need for DACs).
Make sure that the audio rate mod-matrix can modulate between both the Pro2 oscillator and the sample oscillator for many more sonic options. Also make a single ADC path along the analog signal path to allow for feedback.
Make the whole thing playable as a synth as well, adding polyphony as you add more modules.
Keep the price approx. at what the Mopho Desktop was... some corners may have to be cut, I don't know, but something like that
Point is... I really want a single drumvoice device, tailored for drum synthesis, with both analog and digital capabilities and added sampled percussion feature... but coupled with analog filters and distortion (filters must be capable of both LP, BP and HP, and each oscillator be routable to these for added flexibility).. topped with digital FX is important too... Envelopes must be fast, and have dedicated curve parameters to allow for precise adjustment of the response curves.. .this is CRUCIAL! ... the reason for the routable oscillators is that to make convincing snares and other percussive sounds, you have to have control over at least two elements of the sound... Snares for example has a "skin" sound, and a "noise" sound that needs to be shaped individualy.