Hi Ultrasomething,
This is the expected behavior of a synth when Local Control is off.
Thanks for clarifying the company interpretation. And yes, I’m using the word “interpretation” with tongue-in-cheek, given that Dave is the progenitor and all.

While this is obviously the intent of the feature (and Dave would certainly know), it’s always been a bit of a grey area for others — as I said, exactly how draconian does one need to be in their interpretation of what should and should not fall under local control’s control? Many products have assumed the need to change patches locally removes it from the local control jurisdiction.
DSI, itself, removes some parameters from this jurisdiction — Coarse Tuning for example.
Obviously, it’s the company’s prerogative to draw this line wherever they want, and I appreciate knowing that this performance is the company’s intent, though I do prefer using products that allow patch changes with Local Control turned off.
Might I suggest, because of your Local Control implementation that DSI products all provide a much easier means of turning Local Control on and off. Because of your implementation (and the needs of my studio), I turn LC on/off numerous times in a day, so having it buried in a menu is a bit tedious. If your products could offer a hidden button-combo that allowed power users to enable/disable Local Control that would be of huge benefit.
For example, holding PROGRAM and pressing one of the four “soft” buttons beneath the display could serve as a quick menu-less way to turn Local Control on/off… that way, DSI maintains spec purity, while the product gain usability. Win/Win.