Controlling the filters with the modwheel (firmware update suggestion)


Forgive me if this has been discussed before but I couldn't find it in old threads.

I just realized that it's not possible on the P6 to control the filter cutoff directly with the modwheel. The modwheel controls the amount of LFO, and it's not possible to stop the LFO by turning the frequency knob down. At 0 the LFO still moves and you're dependent on where you are in the cycle to what extend the modwheel will have an effect, and it slowly changes.

You can use an expression pedal to control the LPF, but this is not always feasible. Also you can't control both filters this way as you can with the modulation wheel (LPF, HPF or both).

Having modwheel control over the filter cutoff frequencies would be possible if one of the waveforms snapped to a static 1/full output once the LFO frequency knob is turned all the way down (with sync disabled of course). I think the random waveform is suitable for this, since the other waveform would otherwise get a sudden jump in value when set to frequency 0.

Dear DSI, would this be possible to do in a firmware update? Thanks for listening  :)


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We've asked. More than a year ago:,98.0.html

Was told the feature was discussed internally at DSI and it did not make the cut.

I would like it if they changed their mind. Since multiple people have suggested the same implementation, I think that supports it is a logical idea.



We've asked. More than a year ago:,98.0.html

Was told the feature was discussed internally at DSI and it did not make the cut.

I would like it if they changed their mind. Since multiple people have suggested the same implementation, I think that supports it is a logical idea.


I don't think there will be another firmware update. I've inquired about other types of features (transposing sequences without having to hold down record, disengaging the oscillators being hard tuned to semi tones and just have them free flowing) and I think it's sort of a completed instrument at this point and they want to move on, same with the Tempest. I hope I'm wrong but I just have this gut feeling, this is sort of it for DSI's past instruments.

I would also love this. In the same way as the sample and hold works that it produce noise on the highest speed, it could produce a static DC on the lowest setting. It would be quite simple to implement and would make sense in the UI.


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Yes. This one is frequently requested, simple, logical, and has a logical place in the UI, and gives a path for more continuous control of the filter.

I don't know why they wouldn't add it.


Thanks guys. It makes me a bit sad to see companies that won't allocate any real resources to implement seemingly simple feature requests that come up after a product launch.

I'm a developer and I know that some things are not as easy as they seem, but I can't help to feel like they've missed some great potential with this synth.


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It makes me a bit sad to see companies that won't allocate any real resources to implement seemingly simple feature requests that come up after a product launch.

Its unfortunately a type of discussion that pops up quite frequently here and elsewhere. Best advice is to find a workaround. Would be work for you if a separate controller could manipulate the filter cutoff for you? There may be some stepping if a narrow range is used but its doable as a paper clip and chewing gum style DIY coding project.
cp -f $0 $HOME/.signature

There's always the expression pedal input for the low-pass filter on the rear....
Sequential / DSI stuff: Prophet-6 Keyboard with Yorick Tech LFE, Prophet 12 Keyboard, Mono Evolver Keyboard, Split-Eight, Six-Trak, Prophet 2000


I wish you could do this with the frequency of a single oscillator as well. I've tried to do that with the LFO section but it's a rising and falling type vibrato instead of a rise in sync with the movement of the mod wheel.  Much like the OBXa levers....that's what I'm after but I don't think there's a synth out there on the market with that even if I wanted to control it externally.

Had my P6 for a year now.. I totally love it! Every time I come back to it I'm just amazed how beautiful it sounds, how easy it is to program and just how flexible the panel options are. But YES I sorely miss the DC level feature on the mod wheel. My ancient Moog Prodigy allowed you to directly control oscillator 2 frequency with the mod wheel which made for some awesome sync sounds that were directly controllable in your live performance.

Anyone who'se used a Nord Stage 2 will know and love the flexibility given to the mod wheel by providing a DC option.

Sadly the nearest you can get to DC mod wheel control on the P6 is to set the LFO to square wave at its lowest speed and set it to sync. But the LFO period is still too short to use it without it jumping abruptly somewhere in your solo!

Pleeeeese and again please will you reconsider this feature DSI? IE when the LFO frequency know is set to zero it produces a DC level - this would be the most flexible and simple option.
If this is not a hit with you guys how about a mode where the filter sweep pedal input can be assigned to provide a direct voltage to the modulation node (this would provide access to all the things you can currently modulate with the LFO rather than just the Low Pass Filter)
Either would be total fab..
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 09:13:16 AM by Hector Space »
Big synth stuff:
| Kurzweil Forte | Casio Privia PX 5s | Nord Electro 3 73 | Studiologic Sledge Black| Roland Juno Di | DSI Prophet 6 | Oberheim DPX 1 | EMU Esi 4000 | 2 x Yamaha Tx7 |


Re: Controlling the filters with the modwheel (firmware update suggestion)
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2017, 09:42:49 AM »
Had my P6 for a year now.. I totally love it! Every time I come back to it I'm just amazed how beautiful it sounds, how easy it is to program and just how flexible the panel options are. But YES I sorely miss the DC level feature on the mod wheel. My ancient Moog Prodigy allowed you to directly control oscillator 2 frequency with the mod wheel which made for some awesome sync sounds that were directly controllable in your live performance.

Anyone who'se used a Nord Stage 2 will know and love the flexibility given to the mod wheel by providing a DC option.

Sadly the nearest you can get to DC mod wheel control on the P6 is to set the LFO to square wave at its lowest speed and set it to sync. But the LFO period is still too short to use it without it jumping abruptly somewhere in your solo!

Pleeeeese and again please will you reconsider this feature DSI? IE when the LFO frequency know is set to zero it produces a DC level - this would be the most flexible and simple option.
If this is not a hit with you guys how about a mode where the filter sweep pedal input can be assigned to provide a direct voltage to the modulation node (this would provide access to all the things you can currently modulate with the LFO rather than just the Low Pass Filter)
Either would be total fab..

It would be nice to be able to control any aspect of the LFO section (PW, Frequency, LP, HP, AMP) but in real time with the mod wheel as opposed to having them open/close or bounce back and forth in varying speed with the wheel. Although I'm not sure how that would work exactly.

Re: Controlling the filters with the modwheel (firmware update suggestion)
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2019, 09:21:41 PM »

Re: Controlling the filters with the modwheel (firmware update suggestion)
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2020, 05:42:06 AM »
+ 2

Re: Controlling the filters with the modwheel (firmware update suggestion)
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2020, 06:55:08 AM »
Is this still unresolved? Would be great to be able to put frequency at zero for one of the waveforms to obtain a static DC offset.


Re: Controlling the filters with the modwheel (firmware update suggestion)
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2020, 02:08:25 PM »
Is this still unresolved? Would be great to be able to put frequency at zero for one of the waveforms to obtain a static DC offset.

I don't think it's an issue to begin with. The original Prophet-5 had frequency quantization so why should the Prophet-6 behave differently?

Re: Controlling the filters with the modwheel (firmware update suggestion)
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2020, 03:47:50 AM »
Is this still unresolved? Would be great to be able to put frequency at zero for one of the waveforms to obtain a static DC offset.

I don't think it's an issue to begin with. The original Prophet-5 had frequency quantization so why should the Prophet-6 behave differently?

The main reason for me would be to be able to start playing like this with the Prophet 6:

But I think there's a relatively simple workaround, for studio use -> doing some sort of mapping in the DAW should be simple.


Re: Controlling the filters with the modwheel (firmware update suggestion)
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2020, 05:10:21 AM »
Is this still unresolved? Would be great to be able to put frequency at zero for one of the waveforms to obtain a static DC offset.

I don't think it's an issue to begin with. The original Prophet-5 had frequency quantization so why should the Prophet-6 behave differently?

The main reason for me would be to be able to start playing like this with the Prophet 6:

But I think there's a relatively simple workaround, for studio use -> doing some sort of mapping in the DAW should be simple.
But can easily make this sound with just the cutoff knob, he's not even using resonance so you won't hear any stepping on the prophet 6. Just use knob instead of mod wheel.

Oh yeah! This video explains how to do it  ;D

Oh yeah! This video explains how to do it  ;D

I've just been trying this out. It's a genius work around. For many patches I've found I can leave BPM at 120 and it sounds okay, the notes don't cut out earlier than I need them to.

Just shows how even with a 'simple' synth like the Prophet 6 there are always new things to learn. You can use the same trick to route the mod wheel to volume too.


Oh yeah! This video explains how to do it  ;D

I've just been trying this out. It's a genius work around. For many patches I've found I can leave BPM at 120 and it sounds okay, the notes don't cut out earlier than I need them to.

Just shows how even with a 'simple' synth like the Prophet 6 there are always new things to learn. You can use the same trick to route the mod wheel to volume too.

No issues with syncing to an external clock?