From the old EX5 forum:
"I just wandered over to see the chat on Dave's new synth, and found this page about the VS waveshape names. Since it was my job to create most of the original waveshapes with the special program that Josh Jeffe wrote (called "Hacker"), I thought I'd make some comments, since you were looking for more details.
Firstly, the initial list you posted of just a few VS waveshape names is pretty much all of the names I originally made up (expect the numbering is off, of course). The reason so few were named is, most of these waveshapes had no "rhyme or reason" to them; I just moved a mouse around in the waveshape window of Hacker, and stored them when I liked what I, unfortunately there is no "mystery" about the sources - just a completely empirical approach, you might say.
I have no idea where that "complete list" of names came from - someone's attempt to identify for easier use, I guess. (Ravi's idea that "This tells me perhaps that other than the first short list, the longer list may be somewhat unofficially manufactured after the fact" is indeed the case.)
The names that I did put in the VS manual attempted to describe the waveshapes when there was some logic to it, such as 2 saws tuned an octave or a fifth apart, etc. A couple of the waves were taken from a sample of Josh's voice, while a few others were visually 'copied' from the front panel silk-screen of a Korg DW6000 . The wave drawing program also had an additive synthesis function where I could set the level for each of 16 harmonics, and the silk-screen of the Korg had several waveforms printed in this "harmonic drawbar", I just eyeballed the levels, and counted across the 16 lines to "copy" the waveshapes. I was as surprised as anyone to find that it produced a pretty close approximation (Korg must have done a good job on those screened
I think the most fun of all was creating original waveshapes from the VS itself. As Chris Meyer says, this aspect of the VS was usually sadly negelected.
All in all, a unique-sounding beast!
John Bowen"