I bought an OB6 desktop version a couple of weeks ago, and I've performed calibrations many many times, from cold start-up right after first powering it up, to fully warmed-up after several hours of using it. But it still is flat for the first 10 to 15 minutes after powering it up and will slowly get back in tune and remain stable after about 20 minutes and on.
I'm used to it by now, as some of my other analog synths also behave this way, notably the Korg Mono/Poly (which is really unplayable for the first 5 minutes), and my Minimoog D which is a little off for about the same length of time.
So I don't believe in this "ready to be played and perfectly in tune all the time" statement from DSI about the OB6. Unless I might have a defective unit ? (it did hang a couple of times on F11 when doing the many calibrations, and had to be power cycled to get it to do it).
All voices sound exactly alike on patch 048 though...