i think you should change the name of the thread...
"Tempest Operational Tips & Tricks AKA FAQ Thread (Attention!!Read this first!!)"
"ATTENTION!!!!!!! READ THIS FIRST!!!!!!! (Tempest Operational Tips & Tricks AKA FAQ Thread)"
When you consider that this particular issue turned out to be a legitimate and otherwise scarcely-documented bug — one that reading the "Tips & Tricks" thread would not have helped with — I gotta say, I'm not entirely clear what the sentiment of this comment is.
At any rate, in case you didn't notice, the issue has already been neatly resolved; in a personable manner I might add.
But hey, thanks for the unsolicited advice. Perhaps read more carefully next time (wink).
the sentiment is only "update to the latest OS first", then report bugs.
You may take my comment as a troll comment, but i can assure you it was not intended that way.
i don't think my post warranted any Professor Snape-esque facetiousness though.
And where exactly in the "Tips & Tricks" thread is it suggested that people should update to the latest beta?
The fact is that most user will never load a beta OS, nor should they. Beta testing is a volunteer position for those interested in keeping up with a very long, involved, and often convoluted conversation.
The OP was running the latest factory OS, which one would expect to trust, and experiencing an issue that is not otherwise well-documented, nor is it an easy one to identify as a bug. In fact, when I first brought this very issue to DSI's chief programmer, it was his opinion at the time that it was a hardware malfunction specific to my Tempest. It was myself and Roger Linn that tirelessly tested the issue until we determined that it was actually a bug buried deep in the arp functionality.
But never mind that I'm qualified to speak on the matter, I'm also the first person around here to encourage folks to do some reading of their own, and not waste the community's time with easily resolved issues related to user-error and laziness. So it stands as a vindication of sorts that I chose to engage with this person and help them solve their problem.
At any rate, this issue had been neatly resolved - to no concern of yours, I might add - when you showed up late to suggest in a roundabout way that the OP should have taken different measures, when in fact he did exactly what he should have (including taking the time to make a helpful video with steps to reproduce the problem).
I'm not sure how you thought that would go over; but as far as I'm concerned, the tone of my response was appropriate.