Maybe I haven't found how to do it yet - That's great news if you can! I understand you can sequence notes on more tracks than the first, but can you see note names etc like the first 'note' track? That is a nice, clear way of displaying the info. (of course, maybe I just haven't found this yet)
I think another nice addition, which I haven't seen here, would be a scale quantise of the note track(s), after the sequence transpose stage. Like the Elektron A4 and a several eurorack sequencers it would be great to move sequences around the keyboard yet keep them 'in-scale'. Very useful for composing.
I'm coming from a modular environment where these features (usually limited to 1 sequencer at a time) are fairly common and are easy to do. I think they would enhance the PRO2, which is sold on the power of its sequencers. I just updated to the latest beta so there are probably several features I'm yet to discover compared to OS1.