No shure how far this is easy or possible to implement within the current embedded subsystem:
- (very) small display of frequencies where they apply (instead of the 0-128) - i.e. OSC. LFO, Filter Center?
- same for times in the Delay
- same for numbers of values on sequencer steps
- same for (+/-) percent (where makes sense and is enough space to show)
(i know that this makes just partly sense - especially where further modulation takes place - but could be very helpful to many of us)
These could be shown in even very small charsets - it would be very helpful when tweaking sounds.
These things are just to "dream":
- "dynamic" Env and/or filter graphics (assume this is to hard for the CPU/MC, but "who knows"...ß) - showing the real current curve as modulated / "played"
- simple Oscillograph (yeah, i know this could be overkill for the device, but hey, would be cool.)
many thanks for your time and best regards,