Additional Feature Request List

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2016, 03:51:52 PM »
Oh yes, and I would totally love to be able to send the delay(s), or ideally the option to switch between amount (delay level really, as it currently is) and send.

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2016, 10:14:41 AM »
Could be nice to have 2 or 4 sequencer tracks able to handle notes (at the moment only 1).
Destination would be each oscillator (4 note tracks) or 2 pairs of oscillators (2 note tracks) or 3+1 (2 note tracks).
But honestly I don't know what the possibilities are technically as the Pro2 is monophonic (but also paraphonic  ;))
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2016, 06:05:23 AM »
Ratcheting on the sequencer would be nice

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2016, 01:54:32 AM »
I've seen this suggested before somewhere but not in this thread I believe:

- Individual clock divide per track.

Useful when using Pro 2 as a sequencer for external devices and allow tracks to be used as very flexible LFOs.

Another thing I don't think is possible but as of now that would be useful is legato style note ties. I'm not really sure how well I can explain what I mean but it would look somthing like this in terms of MIDI:

Step 1: Note A on.
Step 2: Note B on, then note A off.
Step 3: Note B off, then note C on.

When entering step 2 Note A is still being held (tie) when note B is struck which will produce a legato glide effect when KEY ASSIGN is set to Last Note (or equivalent if sequencing external gear).
When entering step 3 Note B is turned of before Note C is struck, producing no legato.
I realise that this could be acheived using the slew parameter as well but if I want the glide be the same fo all steps anyway this is easier (or possible in the case of external gear).

Not that important really but useful for acid style leads and the like.

Suggestion 3:

- Oscillator waveform as a sequencer destination.

Obviously the slop parameter would have to be disabled here as it doesn't really make much sense. Useful for percussion sounds.

I should note that I don't have Pro 2 yet (will have one at the end of the month though) so some of these things might already be possible. Couldn't find anything in the manual or any demos showcasing it though.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 06:38:02 AM by HESpook »
Prophet 12

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2016, 11:31:38 AM »
Here's my short list:

- linear FM a la the Pro 12
- more mod slots (can get rid of the fixed mod slots and just preset them?)
- delay amount (all) destination. Useful if you want to use a mod wheel or slider to crank up delay.  Also like the idea of having some way to preset the delay independently from a patch so you can use it like an fx
- some way to see the name of the patch you're overwriting
- some way to set global parameters for CV so you can use the board like a controller
- linear FM a la the Pro 12 :)
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 11:33:34 AM by JamesT »

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2016, 09:57:14 AM »
YES PLEASE on the FM capabilities!


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Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2016, 05:57:20 AM »
Having only had my Pro 2 for a few days now I had many of the same suggestions already in this fantastic thread. Here's a few more that I couldn't see elsewhere:

Record arp to sequencer track
Transpose sequence without a note sounding (DSI acknowledged this is a bug)
Transpose midi tracks that have notes (maybe as an option)
Playlist / chain for sequence tracks
Change patches but keep current sequences in buffer for new patch

I must say that this synth is simply inspiring - all the parts add up to much more than I had hoped for! I hope DSI give it some more loving  ;)

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2016, 12:03:50 PM »
The ability to copy oscillator settings between...erm...oscillators.  :D

I know I can select all the oscs to edit at once, but say I come up with a sound using osc1 and I want a second osc with the same setup. Something like...hold osc1 button down and press osc2 perhaps?

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2016, 04:33:16 AM »
I think things that are missing are additions to the sequencer.

Mainly: More than 1 Note sequencer. I bought this synth thinking there would be at least 8 of them (especially when sold as a synth to control modular synths Via CV) . Very surprised to only find 1! There seems space in the interface for it too.

More: Different clock divider settings per sequencer.
Arp & sequencer at the same time/ record arp to seq.
FM enhancements.


Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2016, 04:51:36 AM »
You can use any of the sequencer lanes to sequence "notes", what exactly are you missing?

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2016, 02:36:28 PM »
Maybe I haven't found how to do it yet - That's great news if you can! I understand you can sequence notes on more tracks than the first, but can you see note names etc like the first 'note' track? That is a nice, clear way of displaying the info. (of course, maybe I just haven't found this yet)

I think another nice addition, which I haven't seen here, would be a scale quantise of the note track(s), after the sequence transpose stage. Like the Elektron A4  and a several eurorack sequencers it would be great to move sequences around the keyboard yet keep them 'in-scale'. Very useful for composing.

I'm coming from a modular environment where these features (usually limited to 1 sequencer at a time) are fairly common and are easy to do. I think they would enhance the PRO2, which is sold on the power of its sequencers. I just updated to the latest beta so there are probably several features I'm yet to discover compared to OS1.

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2016, 09:58:01 PM »
If you set the destination of a sequencer track to a midi output then you get the "Note" type view with note name and velocity. You can enter notes with velocity by holding down a step button and using the keyboard.

If you are using a CV output then you get the "Bar" type interface, you can still enter notes using the keyboard.

There is no quantise to scale but that would be a neat addition.

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2016, 09:17:06 PM »
If you set the destination of a sequencer track to a midi output then you get the "Note" type view with note name and velocity. You can enter notes with velocity by holding down a step button and using the keyboard.

If you are using a CV output then you get the "Bar" type interface, you can still enter notes using the keyboard.

There is no quantise to scale but that would be a neat addition.

How do I set midi out as a destination on a sequencer track? (Its not in the manual as far as I can see) Does this have to be done in the Mod Matrix or is there a shortcut?

Also - is there a way to trigger the various envelopes via a modulation "trigger"?. This could effectively give the pro 2 a cool way of controlling the volume of it's various voices amongst other things. A 'trigger' option - is essentially like running out a CV and back in but I don't think Envelope trigger is a destination.

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2016, 10:02:38 PM »
Bob the dog - found the midi output via google search. It was quite well hidden!

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2016, 10:15:56 AM »
If we get several Notes tracks in the sequencer, we have then several sequences...
So, possibility to launch those different sequences track by track either manually or as a song.
Only one track active at a time.
In fact each Note track could be considered as a monotimbral pattern...
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB


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Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2016, 10:41:49 AM »
If we get several Notes tracks in the sequencer, we have then several sequences...
So, possibility to launch those different sequences track by track either manually or as a song.
Only one track active at a time.
In fact each Note track could be considered as a monotimbral pattern...

I think "mute tracks" has been requested as a feature already, and I think this is the same / could achieve the same as what you are suggesting?

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2016, 11:33:48 AM »
If we get several Notes tracks in the sequencer, we have then several sequences...
So, possibility to launch those different sequences track by track either manually or as a song.
Only one track active at a time.
In fact each Note track could be considered as a monotimbral pattern...

I think "mute tracks" has been requested as a feature already, and I think this is the same / could achieve the same as what you are suggesting?

Well, I understood that only Track 1 can contain notes. Can other tracks also contain notes (to be honest I didn't try this yet)?
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB


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Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #37 on: February 14, 2016, 11:38:16 AM »
If we get several Notes tracks in the sequencer, we have then several sequences...
So, possibility to launch those different sequences track by track either manually or as a song.
Only one track active at a time.
In fact each Note track could be considered as a monotimbral pattern...

I think "mute tracks" has been requested as a feature already, and I think this is the same / could achieve the same as what you are suggesting?

Well, I understood that only Track 1 can contain notes. Can other tracks also contain notes (to be honest I didn't try this yet)?

Yes! However, those notes must go to midi (or CV) out, as track 1 is reserved for Pro 2 notes. Hopefully if DSI introduce sequencing for all 4 oscs, then this may change!

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2016, 06:24:56 PM »
It would be great if, while in sequencer mode, you could hold the Tap Tempo button and turn the BPM knob to rotate the notes through the sequencer on the current track. Only rotating the steps that are before the rest. B)

Re: Additional Feature Request List
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2016, 10:11:44 AM »
Hi. I have pro2 6 months and i LOVE it.
Real swing would be welcome here. Akai mpc style. If you could then modulate swing amount whith lets say lfo the sequencer would sound more like a real musician playing when you need that.
Ofcourse the idea of paraphonic sequencer and linear FM are in my top 3 to.