Osc freq and midi. How to change pitch an octave higher.

Osc freq and midi. How to change pitch an octave higher.
« on: February 06, 2017, 05:45:26 AM »
Hi everbody,
I need to know how to modify osc freq in midi .
For example, if i assign Env4 to osc1 freq, i would want to have a note who change the pitch an octave higher just after the attack.
I understand how to program Attack, decay, sustain, release, but how to set the env amount to have exactly 1 octave higher in term of midi setting (0_127).
Thank you in advance.


Re: Osc freq and midi. How to change pitch an octave higher.
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2017, 10:12:23 AM »
It's actually pretty easy to figure this out if you have a tuner. Set envelope sustain to max and see how much modulation is required to increase the pitch by one semitone.

When I measured it I found that a modulation amount of 8 on an envelope corresponds to 1 semitone.

So, in my case it would be 8x12 = 96 for one octave. (In reality, I need to use an amount of 97 to reach an octave with an envelope).

Same for LFOs - Test using a slow square wave. Modulation amount of 8 = 1 semitone. On my unit, an LFO amount of 96 is an octave.

Re: Osc freq and midi. How to change pitch an octave higher.
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2017, 10:22:08 AM »
Yes, perfectly true !!!!
Since this afternoon, i have tried your "method".And it's magic !!!!  :)
A new horizon for me with the Pro 2.
Thank you so much.


Re: Osc freq and midi. How to change pitch an octave higher.
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2017, 06:14:59 AM »
Happy to help!